This class was created by Brainscape user Janelle Johnston. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

High Acuity Nursing
What is a key process and startin...,
What are intermediated medical ca...,
In the triage prioritization mode...
25  cards
Determinants and Assessment of Pulmonary Function
What does the surfactant layer co...,
What is anaerobic metabolism,
What happens to our muscles when ...
116  cards
Fluid and Electrolytes
Body fluid composition ___ of bod...,
Body fluid composition consists of,
What is in the intracellular fluid
63  cards
A brain insult that results from ...,
4 lobes of the brain,
3 points that death occurs at aft...
82  cards
Ischemic stroke,
Importance of ct scan after a stroke,
Zones of ischemic pneumbra
9  cards
Cardiovascular Disease
Acute coronary syndrome acs,
Non modifiable risk factors for a...,
Modifiable risk factors for acute...
116  cards
P wave,
Qrs complex,
T wave
46  cards
What is cancer,
Intrinsic factors,
Extrinsic factors
63  cards
End-of-Life Care
Supportive care framework services,
4 things contributing to how peop...,
Human needs
17  cards
Diabetes mellitus,
Insulin is required for
54  cards
Acute & Chronic Kidney Injury
Acute renal failure,
Acute renal failure is reversible if,
Acute renal failure is identified by
80  cards
Liver Disease
Metabolic liver functions,
Homeostatic liver functions,
Filtering liver functions
96  cards
______ response causes further da...,
Causes and risk factors of pancre...
39  cards
3 layers of the skin,
Any wound alters and disrupts ___...,
Wounds heal by ______ or ________...
79  cards
Sepsis / Shock
Causes of shock are classified ac...,
Cause of shock
79  cards

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