med221a/b lectures

This class was created by Brainscape user A A. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: A A

Decks in this class (24)

MSK 01 - Terms of movement, nerves & gait
What is a dermatome,
What is a myotome,
What is the fasciae
20  cards
MSK 02 - The pectoral girdle
What is the shoulder like when it...,
What is the shoulder like when it...,
Where does the pectoral girdle li...
64  cards
MSK 03 - Skin
What are the 5 functions of skin,
What are the 3 key changes in the...,
How does uv damage the skin
33  cards
MSK 04 - The nervous system overview
What are the two components of th...,
What does the cns do with informa...,
What makes up the pns
73  cards
MSK 05 - The axilla and brachial plexus
What makes up the three borders o...,
What are the two muscles denoted ...,
How do the venous drainage arteri...
99  cards
MSK 06 - Arm and cubital fossa
What nerve innervates the deltoid...,
What structure does the cephalic ...,
What are the 3 parts of the delto...
98  cards
MSK 07 - Shoulder and elbow
What are the 4 ligaments of the s...,
What forms the roof of the intert...,
What are the 4 bursa of the shoulder
27  cards
MSK 08 - The forearm and wrist
What structure is between the uln...,
What is between the distal ulna a...,
What are the 3 functions of the i...
58  cards
MSK 09 - Applied clinical radiology
0  cards
MSK 10 - The hand
What movements does the metacarpo...,
What movement is permitted by the...,
Where do the collateral ligaments...
69  cards
MSK 11 - Forearm and extensor aspect
How many superficial extensor mus...,
What are the 7 superficial extens...,
What is the one muscle of the ext...
41  cards
MSK 12 - The back, the vertebral column, and the musculature
What two things does the interver...,
What parts of the spine has a pri...,
What parts of the spine has a sec...
40  cards
MSK 13 - Bone structure, growth and repair
What are the two types of bone,
What is compact bone in terms of ...,
What are the smaller units of com...
61  cards
MSK 14 - Skeletal muscle 1
What is the role of skeletal muscle,
What is the morphological classif...,
Is skeletal muscle voluntary or i...
91  cards
MSK 15 - Skeletal muscle 2
What does skeletal muscle rely on...,
What is the sequence of events th...,
In the modulation of a muscle con...
99  cards
MSK 16 - Skeletal muscle physiology
What does a motor unit consist of,
If the muscle is for fine control...,
How many motor units and alpha mo...
64  cards
MSK 17 - Motor control 1
What innervates the motor uni,
What region of the brain is respo...,
What is the path of the ap in the...
58  cards
MSK 18 - Motor Control 2
The motor system controls movemen...,
What are some sensory inputs that...,
What are the 4 main receptors con...
69  cards
MSK 19 - Femoral Triangle And Anteromedial Thigh
Where does the inguinal ligament ...,
At what vertebral level does the ...,
What does the abdominal aorta div...
136  cards
MSK 20 - Joints and joint tissues
What are the 3 types of joints un...,
What is the movement permitted by...,
What is the movement permitted by...
41  cards
MSK 21 - Gluteal region and posterior thigh
Where does the gluteal region lie...,
The asis is in the same plane as ...,
What are the 3 pelvic bones
70  cards
MSK 22 - Hip joint
0  cards
MSK 23 - Posterior compartment of leg and popliteal fossa
0  cards
MSK 24 - Knee joint
0  cards

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med221a/b lectures

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