medical assistant lesson 22

This class was created by Brainscape user Felipe Garcia. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Chapter 1: Purpose of the Physical Examination
What does physical exam focuses on,
A physical exam provides an oppor...,
During the actual examination wha...
9  cards
Chapter 1: Role of the Medical Assistant
What is the role of the medical a...,
What is the first duty that the c...,
What is the second duty that the ...
9  cards
Chapter 1: Sequence of the Exam
The physical examination should p...,
Variations of the exam will occur...,
The findings from a physical will...
3  cards
Chapter 1: Documenting the Exam
Electronic record will usually ha...,
There will be dialog boxes for th...
2  cards
Chapter 1: After the Examination
After the examination the medical...,
When all procedure are complete a...,
When assisting the patient off th...
9  cards
Chapter 2: Inspection
What are the 6 examination techni...,
What is inspection,
What does the provide will
7  cards
Chapter 2: Palpitation
What is palpitation,
What are the things that are comm...,
Palpitation provides useful infor...
4  cards
Chapter 2: Percussion
What is percussion,
Percussion is mainly used to asse...,
Are the vibrations and sounds fro...
7  cards
Chapter 2: Auscultation
What is auscultation,
The stethoscope amplifies the sou...,
Are abdominal sounds in the carot...
4  cards
Chapter 2: Mensuration
What is mensuration,
During the physical examination a...,
A ruler is typically used to
3  cards
Chapter 2: Manipulation
What is manipulation,
Manipulation is often used when p...,
Flexion reduces the angel between
5  cards

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medical assistant lesson 22

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