medical biochemistry

This class was created by Brainscape user Blake Thordarson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

CC: B Vitamins
What is vitamin b1,
What enzymes absolutely require t...,
What results from thiamine b1 def...
24  cards
CC: Oxidative Phosphorylation
What are the 4 specific ways to d...,
What blocks the tca cycle,
What causes uncoupling of oxidati...
41  cards
CC: Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy
What was wrong with this horse,
How should she be treated,
Why is hyperglycemia so bad
3  cards
Topic 3: Oxidative Phosphorylation (ETC)
What parts of the etc are soluble,
Whats another name for complex 1,
Whats another name for complex 2
26  cards
Topic 4: TCA Cycle
What does sodium fluoroacetate do...,
What are cofactors of pdh,
What vitamins are necessary for pdh
26  cards
Topic 5: Glycolysis
What is the major source of carbs,
How is glycogen organized,
What is normal glucose levels in ...
27  cards
Topic 6: Regulation of Glycolysis
How is glycolysis primarily regul...,
What does insulin want the body t...,
What steps enzymes are up regulat...
29  cards
Topic 7: Hexose Monophosphate Shunt (HMPS)/Pentose Phosphate Pathway/Phosphogluconate Pathway
What are all the names of this thing,
What are the two stages of hmps,
What happens in step 1 of oxidati...
13  cards
Topic 8: Gluconeogenesis, Cori & Alanine Cycle
What is the most important source...,
What is the main gluconeogenic or...,
What is the second most important...
39  cards
Topic 9: Glycogen Metabolism
Where is most of the glycogen in ...,
What does glycogenin do,
What is step 1 of glycogenesis
33  cards
CC: HMPS, RBC Oxidation and Anemia
What happens to rbcs in the lungs...,
What two parts of the rbc are aff...,
What happens when oxygen is expos...
24  cards
Topic 10: Amino Acid Catabolism
What are the branched chain amino...,
What are the hydrophobic alliphat...,
What are the hydrophobic aromatic...
43  cards
Topic 11: Amino Acid Anabolism
What are the essential aas,
What are the non essential aas,
How do we make glu
30  cards
Topic 12: Urea Cycle
Why is urea cycle a two fer,
Why is ammonia nh3 bad for you,
How do animals that live in the s...
27  cards
Topic 13: Lipid Digestion, Absorption and Trafficking
What is it about bile acids salts...,
What are bile acids derived from,
What does their structure look like
57  cards
Topic 14: Lipolysis and FA Oxidation
Where does dietary fat go first u...,
Where do ketones come from,
What happens to the glycerol upon...
36  cards
Topic 15: Lipogenesis
What do we need for synthesis of ...,
Where does fatty acid synthesis t...,
What 2 components make up the fat...
31  cards
Topic 16: Nucleotide Catabolism
What are the purines,
What are the pyrimidines,
What is a nucleotide
24  cards
Topic 17: Nucleotide Anabolism
Can all the nucleotides be built ...,
What are pyrimidines anabolized from,
What is step 1 of pyrimidine synt...
42  cards
CC: Portosystemic Shunts (PSS)
Whats wrong with seamus what beha...,
What were his cbc results,
What were his urinalysis results
19  cards
CC: Uremia
What is azotemia,
What is uremia,
Is an azotemic animal always uremic
28  cards
CC: Diabetes Mellitus
What is diabetes mellitus type 1 ...,
What is diabetes insipidus centra...,
What enzymes are up regulated by ...
16  cards
CC: Ketosis
What is spontaneous ketoacidosis,
How did they treat bessie,
How come bessie was ketotic
10  cards
CC: Lipidosis
What were the lab abnormalities,
What was the diagnostic plan,
What were the diagnostic results ...
11  cards
CC: Urolithiasis in Dogs
What is wrong with domino,
What drug did the doctors use to ...,
How did they treat the blockage i...
12  cards
CC: Starvation Scenarios - Early, Middle, Late
Describe the fed state,
Describe the post absorptive state,
Describe the early starvation ove...
6  cards

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medical biochemistry

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