Medical Studies 2A

This class was created by Brainscape user Will Bradley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (110)

1.1 Gross Neuroanatomy: Hindbrain and Midbrain
What s the deal with the reticula...,
Where do corticospinal fibres dec...,
Summarise the structures found in...
22  cards
1.2 Gross Neuroanatomy: Diencephalon
Which ventricle of the brain can ...,
Which structures can be found in ...,
What are the two components of th...
27  cards
1.3 Gross Neuroanatomy: Forebrain
List some brain areas that compri...,
What are some functions associate...,
List two structures that make up ...
34  cards
1.4 Ventricular System and Meninges
Csf is produced by filtration of ...
1  cards
1.5 Medical Imaging: Head and CNS
X ray imaging has limited utility...,
What are the standard x ray proje...,
What is the most common form of n...
12  cards
1.6 Microstructure
A protein is produced in a neuron...,
Why do neurons have so much rough...,
Which organelles are present in h...
27  cards
1.7 Development of the Nervous System
Describe the initial formation of...,
Describe the formation of the neu...,
Describe the differentiation of t...
16  cards
1.8 Motor and Sensory Pathways
What are the three types of motor...,
Give two examples of rhythmic mov...,
Explain the role of the primary m...
28  cards
1.9 Blood Supply to the Brain
How does the ica enter the cranium,
Lenticulostriate arteries supply ...,
3  cards
1.10 Acute Insults to the CNS: Stroke/TIA
How long does neurological dysfun...,
List some non modifiable risk fac...,
List some modifiable risk factors...
53  cards
1.11 Acute Insults to the CNS: Traumatic Brain Injury
What is the biggest cause of deat...,
What gcs corresponds to mild mode...,
What periods of unconsciousness c...
40  cards
Week 1 Clinical Practice: Neurological History
1  cards
Week 1 SBL Learning Issues
Describe the three components of ...,
What is the role of ct imaging in...,
What is the role of mri imaging i...
14  cards
2.1 CNS Infective Diseases
Which demographic is most at risk...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
How do pathogens gain access to t...
37  cards
2.2 Space Occupying Lesions
Outline some different types caus...,
Describe the mechanics of how csf...,
Differentiate communicating vs no...
44  cards
2.3 CNS Complications: Intracranial Pressure
The leading cause of death after ...,
The mortality of malignant cerebr...,
Name the two mechanisms of cerebr...
42  cards
2.4 Seizures + Antiepileptic Drugs
What are some different causes fo...,
A patient has recently blacked ou...,
You re taking a collateral histor...
50  cards
2.5 Consciousness
Rem sleep makes up __ of sleep,
Which arm of the autonomic nervou...,
Rem sleep makes up __ of sleep
64  cards
Week 2 Medical Ethics In Practice
What is moral distress,
What are some ways to manage mora...,
3  cards
Week 2 SBL Learning Issues
What are some common triggers for...,
What are some factors not trigger...,
What are seizure auras
14  cards
3.1 Spinal Cord Anatomy
What is in the epidural space of ...,
At what vertebral level does doe ...,
Which vertebrae do the dura and t...
33  cards
3.2 Autonomic Nervous System
What is the advantage of the two ...,
Sympathetic pathways consist of a...
47  cards
3.3 Cranial Nerves Overview
Which cranial nerves arise from t...,
Which cranial nerves arise from t...,
Which cranial nerve arises from t...
11  cards
3.4 Cranial Nerves III-VII
Which cranial nerves are responsi...,
When the superior and inferior ob...,
When the superior and inferior ob...
52  cards
3.5 Cranial Nerves VIII-XII
What is the function of cn viii,
Is cn viii sensory motor or both,
Cn viii has two pairs of nuclei i...
19  cards
3.6 Spinal Cord Injury
What kind of information does the...,
Does the spinocerebellar tract pr...,
1 vs 2 spinal cord injury
20  cards
3.7 Spinal Cord Injury Management
Describe initial evaluation of sc...,
Describe initial clinical managem...,
Some patients with scis can enter...
14  cards
Week 3 SBL Learning Issues
What are the five components of a...,
How does the nexus criteria work ...,
Spinal injuries at and above this...
10  cards
Indigenous Health Lecture
What are some upstream determinan...,
What are some midstream factors t...,
What are some downstream health e...
6  cards
4.1 Proprioception
What is proprioception,
Outline the overall scheme of pro...,
Where are muscle spindles located...
21  cards
4.2 Vision
What structures are located in th...,
What are the boundaries of the an...,
What membrane separates the vitre...
41  cards
4.3 Hearing and Balance
What property of a sound wave det...,
What property of a sound wave det...,
What is the conusionist name for ...
38  cards
4.4 Hearing Loss and Vertigo
Sensorineural vs conductive heari...,
Explain weber s test and how to i...,
In rinne s test a patient hears t...
10  cards
4.5 Olfaction and Gustation
What are some different parts of ...,
What are three secondary targets ...,
What are some factors that can ca...
11  cards
4.6 Multiple Sclerosis
Typical age of onset of ms is,
What are the four disease courses...,
What is the most common ms diseas...
27  cards
Week 4 SBL Learning Issues
What causes a bovine cough,
What are the lumbar puncture find...,
Describe the pathophysiology of o...
8  cards
5.1 Basal Ganglia
What is the function of the basal...,
What are the two components of th...,
What are the four principal struc...
23  cards
5.2 Disorders of the Basal Ganglia: Parkinson’s Disease
What are the five primary symptom...,
What are the five overarching cat...,
What are some personality behavio...
29  cards
5.3 Disorders of the Basal Ganglia: Huntington’s Disease
Describe the mode of genetic inhe...,
Chorea word origin,
Describe physical symptoms of
16  cards
5.4 Cerebellum
Does the cerebellum project direc...,
Describe the role of the cerebell...,
How does the cerebellum alter mot...
31  cards
5.4 Cerebellum (Mastery Edition)
Does the cerebellum project direc...,
Describe the role of the cerebell...,
How does the cerebellum alter mot...
31  cards
5.5 Disorders of the Cerebellum
What are the three functional div...,
What is seen in cerebrocerebellum...,
What is seen in spinocerebellum l...
10  cards
5.6 Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System
A bundle of nerve fibres is called a,
Outline the components of a perip...,
What is the function of schwann c...
53  cards
5.6 Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Describe the pathophysiology of g...,
Guillain barre syndrome involves ...,
What are some sensory motor featu...
12  cards
5.6 Myasthenia Gravis
What is the key part of a myasthe...,
Where are some common sites of we...,
Outline the general pathophysiolo...
12  cards
P&L Week 5: Shared Decision Making Skills
In what situations does shared de...,
Name two models that can be used ...,
Outline the share model of shared...
3  cards
Week 5 Prac Workshop
What is the most common intracran...,
2  cards
Week 5 SBL Learning Issues (Stacked)
Hand shakiness ddxs,
Patient presents with hand shakin...,
What is tremor
22  cards
6.1 Limbic System
The limbic system links ___ and _...,
The limbic system is a collection...,
Is the limbic system a separate w...
33  cards
6.2 Cognitive Neuroscience
What are the names given to the t...,
Describe the relationships betwee...,
Short term memory has a ____ capa...
44  cards
6.3 Mental Health Disorders
What is the classic depressive di...,
What characterises,
Describe the diagnostic criteria ...
64  cards
6.3 Pharmacology
Outline the pharmacological mecha...,
What happens to adrenergic and se...,
Give some examples of ssris
27  cards
6.4 Addiction
Conscious vs unconscious behaviour,
In terms of behaviour what is a d...,
What are the two main types of dr...
30  cards
6.5 Dementia
Define dementia,
Is dementia a disease,
What are some causes of dementia
65  cards
6.6 Delirium
Define delirium,
Onset time of dementia vs delirium,
Define delirium
12  cards
Week 6 SBL Learning Issues
Recall the dig spaces acronym
1  cards
LIs For Mid-Semester Test Consolidation
Encephalitis causes,
Cerebral abscess causes,
Autoimmune encephalitis clinical ...
69  cards
What is the role of infectious di...,
Describe the three aspects of des...,
What is the name of the set of cr...
20  cards
In what situations does shared de...,
Name two models that can be used ...,
Outline the share model of shared...
23  cards
7.1 Pain
Recall the purposes of pain,
List three types of pain,
Physiological vs pathological pain
25  cards
7.2 Headache and Migraine
What are some prodromal symptoms ...,
What are some post dromal symptom...,
Describe the clinical presentatio...
11  cards
7.3 Functional Neurological Disorder
Define functional neurological di...,
What are some examples of exam fi...
2  cards
7.4: Introduction to the Musculoskeletal System
What are the four structural clas...,
What are the three structural cla...,
What are gliding joints are they ...
9  cards
7.5 Muscle Formation and Innervation
What are the three phases of huma...,
How many days after fertilisation...,
What are the respective roles of ...
13  cards
7.7 Musculature of the Head
Which muscles of mastication are ...,
Which muscles of mastication area...,
Which muscles of mastication are ...
10  cards
7.8 Neurovasculature of the Head
Using a mnemonic recall the branc...,
List as many structures as you ca...,
What are the three sections of th...
4  cards
7.9 Osteology of the Cervical Vertebrae
When might we perform an x ray of...,
When might we perform a ct of the...,
When might we perform an mri of t...
7  cards
7.10 Musculature of the Neck
1  cards
7.11 Neck Pain
Define the timeframe of acute sub...,
What are some common causes of ne...,
What are the red flag features of...
6  cards
Pharmacology: NSAIDs
What are the specific effects of ...,
List as many nsaid contraindicati...,
Outline 4 broad classes of nsaid ...
3  cards
Week 7 SBL
Recall the snoopp mnemonic for he...
1  cards
8.1 Osteology and Arthrology of the Vertebral Column & the Thoracic Cage
Which sections of the vertebral c...,
List 4 functions of the vertebral...,
At what point do primary curvatur...
21  cards
8.2 Musculature of the Vertebral Column and Intrinsic Trunk
Extrinsic vs intrinsic back muscles,
What are the names of the deep an...,
What are the names of each of the...
30  cards
8.3 Endocrine Regulation of Calcium Metabolism and Bone Health
What substances can bind with cal...,
What is more important maintainin...,
In response to pth release what i...
13  cards
8.4 Bone Loss Conditions
Describe the microscopic appearan...,
Describe the microscopic appearan...,
Compare the microscopic appearanc...
23  cards
8.5 Skeletal Muscle Structure, Function and Disorders
What are some biopsy hallmarks of...,
Outline the key features of derma...,
Outline the key features of inclu...
28  cards
8.6 Types and Causes of Acute and Chronic Back Pain
What are the four buckets of lowe...,
What are wadell s five signs of n...,
What are the leading causes of ch...
24  cards
9.1 Introduction to the Lower Limb
Describe the structure of muscle ...
1  cards
9.2 Osteology, Arthrology, and Musculature of the Pelvis
By what age do the three bones of...,
By what age does the acetabulum c...,
What is the name of the foramen b...
14  cards
9.3 The Hip Joint Overview
Which of the trochanteric line cr...,
On the posterior femur the two tr...,
What are the three ligaments of t...
5  cards
9.4 Musculature of the Gluteal Region
Describe the tissues not muscles ...,
Inferiorly where does the iliotib...,
List four superficial gluteal mus...
8  cards
9.5 The Knee Joint Overview
True or false the menicsci comple...,
Which of the acl pcl run to the m...,
What is meant by joint congruency
6  cards
9.6 Thigh Musculature
What are the actions of anterior ...,
What is the primary role of the m...,
Recall the eight muscles within t...
14  cards
9.7 Bone Fracture
What are the names of the 4 stage...,
How long does the haematoma phase...,
Describe the soft callus stage of...
20  cards
9.8 Bone & Joint Infections
What is the most common causative...,
What are the two ways that infect...,
What is the effect of osteomyelit...
9  cards
9.9 Ligament and Tendon Pathology and Injury
The ___ ligament restrains extens...,
Ligaments are the primary not the...,
Describe the 3 grades of ligament...
5  cards
10.1 Osteology and Arthrology of the Lower Leg and Foot
Which three bones articulate to f...,
Active recall the tarsal bones,
What are the bones within the mid...
16  cards
10.2 Musculature of the Lower Leg
List all the muscles of the leg i...,
O and i of tib anterior,
O and i of flexor digitorum longus
11  cards
10.3 Intrinsic Foot
What are the two attachments of t...,
Describe the extensor hood of the...,
True or false like flexor halluci...
8  cards
10.4 Neurovasculature of the Lower Limb
Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal ...,
Genitofemoral nerve roots,
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve r...
13  cards
10.5 Gait Overview
How does knee osteoarthritis chan...,
Why does the pelvis rotate in the...,
What changes do we see in the gai...
7  cards
10.6 Mechanical Injury
Sprain vs strain,
Describe treatment of strains,
Recall the grades of sprain
12  cards
10.7 Osteoarthritis
True or false every osteoarthriti...,
Under what circumstances might we...,
Is there a strong correlation bet...
3  cards
10.8 Gout
Is the mechanism of gout well kno...,
Why is the clearance of colchicin...,
Side effects of colchicine acute ...
6  cards
11.1 Osteology and Arthrology of the Pectoral Girdle and Shoulder
What is the coracoid process of t...,
What is the equivalent structure ...,
What type of joints are the acrom...
14  cards
11.2 Musculature and Movements of the Pectoral Girdle and Shoulder
What are the three parts of the d...,
What fascia does some of the lati...,
Origin and insertion of trapezius
22  cards
11.3 The Elbow
What are the functions ranges of ...,
What are the names of the surface...,
What are the two processes on the...
13  cards
11.4 Dislocation
A patient comes in with contusion...,
Describe the principles of load a...,
Along what axis does the sternocl...
16  cards
11.5 Fractures
Outline the treatment algorithm f...,
What is a hagl injury,
A patient has a fractured humerus...
14  cards
11.6 Rotator Cuff Injury
Describe innervation of the rotat...,
List 6 kinds of rotator cuff injury,
Which imaging modalities can be u...
5  cards
12.1 Osteology and Arthrology of the Forearm and Wrist
Where are the radial and ulnar st...,
Origin and insertion of brachiora...,
Which bones make up the articular...
9  cards
12.2 Musculature of the Forearm
Which of the forearm flexors exte...,
What three movements are allowed ...,
Insertion of p
11  cards
12.3 Osteology and Arthrology of the Hand
List the carpal bones of the hand...,
The roof the carpal tunnel is cre...,
Which structures secure the flexo...
6  cards
12.4 Musculature of the Hand
Abductor pollicis brevis origin a...,
List the thenar muscles of the hand,
Flexor pollicis brevis origin and...
13  cards
12.5 Blood Supply and Drainage of the Upper Limb
Using an acronym recall the branc...,
Describe how where the subclavian...,
Which muscles does the subclavian...
16  cards
12.6 Innervation of the Upper Limb
Which spinal levels comprise the ...,
Dorsal scapular nerve root,
Long thoracic nerve root
35  cards
12.7 Neural Conditions of the Upper Limb
Describe the 6 stages of the sedd...,
List two common traumatic injurie...,
Where does the radial nerve run t...
14  cards
12.8 Hand Fracture
Explain the complication of scaph...,
What are 2 common ways of treatin...,
What is a mallet finger fracture ...
4  cards
12.9 Rheumatoid Arthritis
Other than the joints what two ot...,
Which gene mutations can cause rh...,
Explain the process of citrullina...
11  cards
Wk 7-12 LO Consolidation
What is onycholysis in what condi...,
What signs of psoriatic arthritis...,
X ray changes in psoriatic arthritis
9  cards

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