medical virology

This class was created by Brainscape user Annabel Blair. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What are the origins of papilloma...,
Which genera of papilloma virus i...,
Describe the hpv virion
32  cards
Respiratory Syncytical virus
What is the structure of the rsv ...,
How does rsv enter the host cell ...,
Describe the rsv replication cycle
21  cards
What are picornaviruses,
What is the general structure of ...,
Describe picornavirus structure i...
39  cards
Hepatits C virus
What is hepatitis,
What are the 5 hepatitis viruses,
What is the prevalence of hepatit...
42  cards
What kind of virus is hiv what is...,
Where is hiv most common how many...,
What are the different types of h...
55  cards
What kind of virus is influenza,
What is the current status of inf...,
What are the symptoms of the flu
37  cards
How many human coronaviruses have...,
What kind of virus is coronavirus,
What are the 4 main genes in a co...
35  cards
Dengue virus
What are arboviruses,
What is dengue virus,
What family is dengue virus from
32  cards
Marburg and Ebola
What are marburg and ebola,
Describe the general genome struc...,
What are the roles of the vp30 40...
24  cards
What is herpesvirus,
What is the structure of a herpes...,
What is the tegument
37  cards
What are calciviruses,
What are the main symptoms of cal...,
Why does calcivirus spread so easily
28  cards
Hepatitis B virus
Describe the disease burden of he...,
What serious diseases do 25 of hb...,
What are the major routes of hbv ...
28  cards
What are gammaherpesviruses,
Describe ebv,
Name 3 diseases ebv is associated...
33  cards
Where does measles virus enter an...,
How can measles virus spread betw...,
Describe the genome of a paramyxo...
25  cards
Don't remember
Describe the structure of picorna...,
What vaccine is there for hav
54  cards

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medical virology

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