This class was created by Brainscape user Elizabeth Sager. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Mood Disorders
Describe the etiology of depressi...,
Describe the symptoms for depress...,
Describe the diagnosis of depress...
32  cards
Substance Use Disorder
Describe the etiology rf for addi...,
Describe the dsm criteria for add...,
Describe the etiology of alcohol ...
38  cards
Somatic Disorders & MH Comorbidities
What are some risk factors for so...,
Describe the etiology of somatic ...,
Describe the presentation of soma...
12  cards
Personality Disorders
List the 3 cluster a personality ...,
List the 4 cluster b personality ...,
List the 3 cluster c personality ...
19  cards
Anxiety Disorders
What is the most prevalent psychi...,
Describe exposure therapy in ptsd,
Describe cognitive processing the...
26  cards
Define hormesis,
List the general presentation of ...,
Describe the limitations of a uri...
27  cards
Describe the etiology of asd,
Describe the presentation of asd,
Describe the screening diagnosis ...
12  cards
Psychotic Disorders
Describe the characteristics of d...,
Describe the characteristics of d...,
Describe the characteristics of n...
12  cards
MH TA Patient Cases
37  cards
Define cbt,
Describe the negative triad assoc...,
Describe the negative triad assoc...
9  cards
Conduct & Dissociative Disorders
Describe the etiology of conduct ...,
Describe the presentation symptom...,
Describe the diagnostic criteria ...
12  cards
Eating Disorders
Describe the etiology rfs of eati...,
Describe female athlete triad,
Compare and contrast the etiology...
17  cards

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mental health

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Elizabeth Sager's Mental Health flashcards for their St. Catherine University MPAS class now!

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