mgt 301--intro. to international bus.

This class was created by Brainscape user amber Riaz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Ch.5- International Trade Theory (Part 3: International Trade and Investment)
The purchase sale or exchange of ...,
Trade as a share of gdp is define...,
One way to measure the importance...
15  cards
Ch. 5- Quiz
Trade in services accounts for ar...,
Which agencies departments organi...,
Which one of the following statem...
25  cards
Ch.6: Political Economy of Trade
Regulatory controls or bureaucrat...,
Tariff levied as a percentage of ...,
Additional tariff placed on an im...
82  cards
Ch.8: Regional Economic Integration
Economic integration whereby coun...,
Economic integration whereby coun...,
Economic integration whereby coun...
30  cards
Ch. 6- Quiz
Which one of the following is the...,
For which one of the following po...,
According to the infant industry ...
25  cards
Ch. 8- Quiz
Which one of the following is the...,
A ________ is the lowest extent o...,
What is the main difference betwe...
25  cards
Ch. 14- Vocab.
Free market price that unrelated ...,
Name of one or more items in a pr...,
Planning implementing and control...
14  cards
Ch. 13- Vocab.
Export import financing in which ...,
Individuals or organizations that...,
Exchange of goods or services dir...
27  cards
Ch. 12- Vocab
Research in which people record i...,
Ongoing process of gathering anal...,
Unstructured but in depth intervi...
11  cards
Ch. 13- Quiz
Company x s product has reached i...,
Which one of the following occurs...,
Which one of the following statem...
25  cards
Ch. 14- Quiz
The chocolate war that has erupte...,
Companies adapt their products to...,
Companies need to review the imag...
25  cards
Ch. 12- Quiz
A us retailer sent a shipment of ...,
One example of ___________ is the...,
Governments can extend investment...
25  cards

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mgt 301--intro. to international bus.

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