This class was created by Brainscape user Heba Salem. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Unlike bacteriaunlike plantcell wall,
Fungal disease usually,
Classification depending on morph...
54  cards
Bacterial Normal Flora
The term normal flora or microbio...,
Fetus has no,
The relation between indigenous m...
3  cards
Bacterial Genetic
The bacterial genome is the carri...,
Bacteria typically have circular ...,
Bacteria usually have of their ch...
18  cards
Immunologenic substance and antig...,
All immunogenic substance arebut ...,
Is example of antigenic substance...
54  cards
Viruses عائشة
Paramyxoviruses are withthe genom...,
Paramyxoviruses common disease,
There s only of measles
38  cards
Fungi 2
Most common opportunistic infecti...,
C neoformans and mucor not but it,
C albicans is with
12  cards
Bacterial Structure
Some bacteria surrounded by or or,
Capsule polysaccharide also known as,
The presence of capsule can be de...
52  cards
Non Spore Forming Bacilli
Cdiphtheria arranged as,
The cells of cdiphtheria are ofte...,
Cdiphtheria contain accumulation of
4  cards
Neisseria are group of,
Arranged in pairs resemble when vie,
Two species are strictly human patho
25  cards
Streptococci grow well on and man...,
Based on these streptococcii clas...,
Hemolytic group are differentiate...
40  cards
Brucella spp are gram short rods ...,
Brucellosis is a infection,
Others name of brucellosis
44  cards
Spirochaetes it has two families,
T pallidum subspecies pallidum ca...
49  cards
Mycobacteria are a large group of...,
Mycobactria rod shaped bacilli th...,
Mycobactria stained by methods li...
58  cards
عائشة Virus
Rhabdoviruses rabies virusdisease...,
Rabies virus it has a enclosed wi...,
Rabies virus has a antigenic type
132  cards
Properties of herpesviruses,
Three subfamilies of herpesviruses,
The genome of share 50 70 homolog...
40  cards
د.الهام Bacteria
The staphylococci are gram positi...,
Some of staphylococci are members...,
Staphylococcus aureus
159  cards

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