This class was created by Brainscape user Rhoan Jane Altura Calunsag. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

8.1 Specimen Collection, Media and Methods
When cleansing the skin with alco...,
What is the purpose of adding 002...
30  cards
8.2 Enterobacteriaceae
Biochemically the enterobacteriac...,
The ortho nitrophenyl b galactopy...,
The voges proskauer vp test detec...
54  cards
8.3 Nonfermentative Bacili
What are the most appropriate scr...,
Presumptive test used for identif...,
Which test are most appropriate t...
26  cards
8.4 Miscellaneous and Fastidious Gram - Rods
A visitor to south america who re...,
A curved gram negative rod produc...,
A gram negative s shaped rod reco...
42  cards
8.5 Gram Pos and Gram Neg Cocci
Toxic shock syndrome is attribute...,
Which staphylococcus species in a...,
Staphylococcus epidermidis coagul...
51  cards
Large gram positive spore forming...,
Bacillus anthracis and bacillus c...,
Which is the specimen of choice f...
25  cards
Obligate anaerobes facultative an...,
Which of the following most affec...,
Which of the following is the med...
25  cards
The best specimen for recovery of...,
What concentration of sodium hydr...,
Which is the most appropriate non...
32  cards
All of the following are examples...,
For which clinical specimens is t...,
The india ink stain is used as a ...
51  cards
Classification of viruses is made...,
Which virus is the most common et...,
The most common viral syndrome of...
30  cards
The incorrect match between organ...,
In a patient with diarrhea occasi...,
Charcot leyden crystals in stool ...
80  cards
An emergency department physician...,
An outbreak of staphylococcus aur...,
A listless 12 month old boy with ...
60  cards

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