millwright level 2

This class was created by Brainscape user shawn Burleigh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What is the definition of metal,
What is ferrous metals,
Describe non ferrous metals
58  cards
Shfting Fits And Accesories
What are the four types of keys,
What is the benefit of a spline,
What is the rule or thumb for the...
71  cards
Describe friction,
What is lubrications main job,
Why is friction bad
65  cards
What are the two basic types of b...,
What is the main difference betwe...,
What are the principle parts of t...
126  cards
What are the two basic ways to se...,
What are the main advantages of a...,
What are some disadvantages of a ...
61  cards
What are some advantages of v belts,
What are the limitations of v belts,
What does the tensile member of t...
102  cards
Gear Drives
What are the two types of gear dr...,
What do gear drives do,
What is diametral pitch dp
47  cards
Couplings Clutches
What is the purpose of a shaft co...,
What are the 3 types of couplings,
What are the different types of r...
84  cards
Variable-speed Power Transmision Devices
What are the current designs of v...,
Wide belt drives have a ratio ran...,
Variable speed mechanical drives ...
11  cards
What are the two types of misalig...,
What is the most common form of m...,
What are the two types of vertica...
53  cards
Instalation and Leveling
A baseplate provides a ridged and...,
The primary unit is also referred...,
Prime movers are all referred to ...
33  cards
Leveling and Bore Alignment
To level means to,
Describe the difference between f...,
What is plumb
30  cards
What is an acute angle,
What is an obtuse angle,
What is a triangle
29  cards
Work force x _________,
Power work _______,
Ma load ______ ma effort distance...
3  cards
What do you need to protect your ...,
What are the different welding le...,
When your eyes have been exposed ...
16  cards

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millwright level 2

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