minna no nihongo chp 26 - 50

This class was created by Brainscape user Edd Ipp. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Minna no Nihongo 26
To visit the doctor,
To look for,
To be late
45  cards
Minna no Nihongo 27
To fee,
To run,
To be able to see
43  cards
Minna no Nihongo 28
To be selling well,
To dance,
To chew
49  cards
Minna no Nihongo 29
To open,
To close,
To turn on
43  cards
Minna no Nihongo 30
To stick something onto something...,
To hang,
To decorate
46  cards
Minna no Nihongo 31
To continue,
To find discover,
To take abstract
32  cards
Minna no Nihongo 32
To exercise,
To succeed,
To fail at an exam
53  cards
Minna no Nihongo 33
To run away,
To make noise cause a fuss,
To make noise cause a fuss
47  cards
Minna no Nihongo 34
To brush teeth,
To put together,
To fold
46  cards
Minna no Nihongo 35
Flowers bloom,
Colours change,
To add mark
38  cards
Minna no Nihongo 36
Save money,
To pass time
38  cards
Minna no Nihongo 37
To scold,
To invite casually
49  cards
Minna no Nihongo 38
54  cards
Minna no Nihongo 39
Object falls,
To pass through
51  cards
Minna no Nihongo 40
To count,
To measure,
To confirm
56  cards
Minna no Nihongo 41
Recieve polite ver,
Give to someone below status
56  cards
Minna no Nihongo 42
To wrap,
To boil,
To mix
44  cards
Minna no Nihongo 43
Exports increase,
Exports decrease,
Eg price goes down
24  cards
Minna no Nihongo 44
To cry,
To laugh,
To sleep
43  cards
Minna no Nihongo 45
To believe,
To cancel,
To notify
27  cards
Minna no Nihongo 46
To hand over,
To return,
Eg bus departs
30  cards
Minna no Nihongo 47
Wind blows,
Eg rubbish burns,
Someone dies
33  cards
Minna no Nihongo 48
To take down,
To deliver,
To record
20  cards
Minna no Nihongo 49
To work somewhere,
To sit in a chair
31  cards
Minna no Nihongo 50
To come to go polite down ver,
To come to go polite down ver,
To eat to drink to recieve polite...
31  cards
Grammar Chp 26-50
~て いただけませんか,
~たら いいですか
99  cards

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minna no nihongo chp 26 - 50

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