This class was created by Brainscape user Glisant Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Learn all bacteria
26  cards
Pharma 1
What are the three wayswhat are t...,
Describe the facteurs cinetiques ...,
How would you describe the differ...
24  cards
Pharma 1.1: Quantite Absorbe
Http http what type of transporta...,
What are the two main type of act...,
Efflux vs influx
15  cards
Pharm 2
What is first passage of medicati...,
How can you reduce first passage ...,
What is bioavailability
20  cards
Pharm 2.1: Elimination
What is the difference between su...,
Hypophilic vs hydrophilic medicat...,
What is the main molecule respons...
9  cards
Pharma 3 Vincent My Kink
True or falsea change in v 1 or v...,
What is ugt 1a1,
What does a polymorphism in the p...
20  cards
Pharma 3 final
True or falsean increase in elimi...,
A patient presents with kidney in...,
And how many doses of continuous ...
7  cards
Pharma Cardinal 1
Efficacite define in terms of pha...,
Define power in terms of pharmaco...,
Can two medication have the same ...
23  cards
Pharma Cardinal 1.2
What is codeine,
What is hydromorphone
20  cards
Immune System 1:
What are the mucosal parts,
What is the first layer of protec...,
Describe the four different mecha...
36  cards
Immune system Part 2
Where do dendritic cells come from,
What is the role of dendritic cells,
How does the dendritic cell deal ...
28  cards
Immune system part 3
What is the difference between an...,
Describe neutralisation,
Describe antibody mediated opsoni...
23  cards
Immune system part 4
What type of immunoglobulin is ad...,
Why do we say that sometimes we n...,
What is a counterindication for a...
10  cards
Bactéries : biologie et classification 1
Les bacteries appartiennent aux _...,
In contrast to eucaryotes procary...,
Difference in reproduction between
22  cards
Bacteria: Classification tables
Staphylocoquescocci ou batonnet g...,
Staphylocoquescocci ou batonnet g...,
Staphylocoquescocci ou batonnet g...
19  cards
Describe the beginging of baby li...,
Microbiome central vs secondariew...,
Facteurs externes qui influencent...
25  cards
Micro 2
What is a receptive hostgive an e...,
Define what is reservoir of infec...,
Describe the difference between p...
16  cards
Micro 2.2: Gram Negative Battons
Hate to do it to you but name all...,
What is special about gelose macc...,
Which one of the enterobacteria a...
30  cards
Bactéries entéropathogènes
Escherichia coli enterotoxinogene...,
Escherichia coli producteur de sh...,
This type of bacteria is associat...
24  cards
Cocci Gram négatif et coccobacilles Gram négatif 1
True or falsegram negative cocci ...,
What is a neisseria type that iso...,
Xpliquer la difference entre un p...
19  cards
Distinguer la pathogenicite du st...,
Preciser quel test de laboratoire...,
Staphylococcus aureus reservoir
21  cards
What are the ideal targets for an...,
What are dimorphe fungi,
Describe the morphological classi...
30  cards
Last Class
2  cards

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