mod 6: materials & hardware

This class was created by Brainscape user Joshua McDonnell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

What is a ferrous metal,
What is hardness,
What is strength
89  cards
What is meant by the hardness of ...,
Explain what is meant by the stre...,
Explain the term ductility in ref...
40  cards
Book Questions
The form of heat treatment that r...,
The form of heat treatment that r...,
The form of heat treatment that s...
69  cards
Exam Type Questions (Class)
When a metal is called ferrous it...,
What material is commonly used in...,
What type of steel is commonly us...
173  cards
In thread forms what are v thread...,
In thread forms what is a buttres...,
What is the purpose of using mult...
27  cards
6.5.2 Bolts, Studs and Screws
What is meant by the grip length ...,
What is meant by the diameter of ...,
Name two types of anticorrosion t...
38  cards
Where would you use quick release...,
Where would you use quick release...,
How is the installation and remov...
34  cards
6.5.4 Rivets
What are the two most common head...,
How are rivets identified with re...,
What is the common name for rivet...
25  cards
6.4 Corrosion
Why does corrosion occur in metals,
How does corrosion occur in metals,
Why do gold and platinum not corrode
43  cards
6.3.1 Aircraft Materials
Under what category of materials ...,
What is meant by the word composite,
How is the strength of a plastic ...
47  cards
Given Questions
How is steel in aircraft classified,
What is the ability of a material...,
What is the purpose of refrigerat...
88  cards
6.3.2 Wooden Structures
What two classifications do wood ...,
List 2 of each classification,
What would you be looking for whe...
19  cards
6.3.3 - Fabrics
List the threads used in a fabric...,
What is a roll of fabric called,
What would red thread indicate on...
20  cards
Important for Memory
Rivety identifaction series and t...
7  cards
6.9 Transmission
Where are external spur gears used,
Where are internal spur gears used,
What is backlash and what is it u...
29  cards
6.8 Bearings
What is the purpose of a bearing,
The two main loads that bearings ...,
What is the most common type of b...
15  cards
6.6 Pipes and Unions
What material are high pressure 3...,
How is the alloy designation noti...,
Identify the following colours of...
6  cards
6.11 Electrical Cables and Connectors
Explain what is meant by the expr...,
Explain what is meant by the expr...,
What are the characteristics of a...
58  cards

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mod 6: materials & hardware

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