This class was created by Brainscape user Chloe 🤷🏼‍♀️. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

neuro ap
The all or nothing principle,
The fight or flight response,
White matter is made up of
38  cards
neuro pharm
T f tranquilizers are anxiolytics...,
Drugs that are used to control se...,
Long term use of ___ can lead to ...
41  cards
neuro dz
Ivdd stands for ___ and can occur...,
___ and ____ are the 2 diseases t...,
Polyradiculoneuritis is aka ____ ...
26  cards
renal ap
The filtration unit of the kidney...,
Roughly ____ of blood pumped by t...,
The renal cortex is mainly compos...
26  cards
renal pharm
Epakatin is made from the shells ...,
Urinary acidifiers can be given t...,
Which type of diuretic would you ...
45  cards
renal dz
Pre renal,
52  cards
repro AP
Ova production is called ____ thi...,
The ___ passes through the inguin...,
The ___ are the female gonads and...
30  cards
repro P/D/L
____ is the physical act of breeding,
In most species fertilization occ...,
Once an ____ becomes fertilized i...
22  cards
repro dz
A normal sized uterus should be v...,
Intense protective behaviors from...,
Inappropriate maternal behavior t...
21  cards
comm and ethics
Why are verbal and written skills...,
What is client compliance and how...,
What is the benefit of the remind...
20  cards
resp ap
43  cards
resp pharm
Oxygen is considered a drug,
Phenylephrine is considered to be...,
Nebulizers require positive force...
49  cards
resp dz
47  cards
Which feline pan systemic disease...,
How is panleukopenia transmitted ...,
What is the incubation period for...
30  cards
Patients with burns will likely h...,
Skin staples provide a wound with...,
During a procedure to fix a diaph...
20  cards

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module 6

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