This class was created by Brainscape user Ashley Family. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

What did the safe act mandate,
The safe act prohibits individual...,
When is the annual renewal period...
27  cards
0  cards
Homeowners Protection Act
What is the purpose of hopa,
What is pmi to buyers vs creditor,
What types of loans does hopa app...
50  cards
What transactions are exempt from...,
Does tila apply to credit extende...,
True or false a creditor can furn...
292  cards
Compliance Management System (CMS)
What are the 3 types of superviso...,
Purpose of a visitation,
Purpose of an investigation
108  cards
Pre-Exam Planning (PEP)
What are the 3 phases of pep,
What is the objective of pep,
When does the ip letter need to b...
47  cards
Enforcement Actions
When can the fdic initiate a form...,
What law or regulation governs fd...,
What is the final supervisory ste...
113  cards
Consultation Policy
What are the four categories of c...,
What is the purpose of an informa...,
Name 3 examples of informal consu...
44  cards
Minority Depository Institutions
What laws and regulations govern ...,
What goals for mdis are establish...,
What is required of the fdic rega...
12  cards
Consumer Leasing
What is a lease,
What does the consumer leasing ac...,
What is a lessee
64  cards
Who does scra protect apply to,
What does scra apply to,
What is the purpose of scra
28  cards
Mla vs the talent amendment,
Who does mla protect,
What is the primary purpose of mla
44  cards
Nontraditional Mortgage Products
What mortgage products are consid...,
What is an interest only mortgage,
What is a payment option arm
17  cards
Flood Insurance
What is the purpose of the flood ...,
What structures are eligible for ...,
What types of structures are not ...
166  cards
TILA Restitution
Under tila when do regulators hav...,
Under tila when are regulators re...,
What actions can creditors take t...
42  cards
What is respa applicable to,
What is a federally related mortg...,
What transactions are exempt from...
175  cards
Homeownership Counseling Act
Applicability of the hca what cre...,
What are the notice requirements ...,
Are notice requirements under hca...
7  cards
What did the safe act mandate,
The safe act prohibits individual...,
When is the annual renewal period...
27  cards
Fcra applies to financial institu...,
What is the definition of a consu...,
The term consumer report does not...
127  cards
Preservation of claims and defenses
What is the purport of the holder...,
True or false the ftc determined ...,
What two things are prohibited un...
8  cards
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
What types of debt collection doe...,
What is a debt collector,
An institution is not a debt coll...
16  cards
What types of electronic funds tr...,
What is an access device what two...,
What is an accepted access device 3
210  cards
How does e sign allow the use of ...,
Prior to obtaining a customer s c...,
What are the three main requireme...
15  cards
The real estate settlement proced...,
Nothing of value can be given in ...,
Respa is also known as __________...
84  cards

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