mrcp paces respiratory

This class was created by Brainscape user Chen Hee Chin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Interstitial Lung Disease (Pulmonary Fibrosis)
What are the clinical signs of pu...,
How would you investigate a patie...,
What is the treatment of pulmonar...
12  cards
Clinical Signs
What are the respiratory causes o...,
What are the surface markings for...,
What are the common causes of uni...
13  cards
What are the clinical signs of br...,
How would you investigate a patie...,
What are the causes of bronchiect...
20  cards
Cystic Fibrosis
Explain the pathophysiology of cy...,
What are the common colonisers in...,
What are the causes of false posi...
7  cards
Lung Transplant
What are the indications for a do...,
What are the indications for a si...,
What are the indications for lung...
6  cards
What is the definition of copd,
What is the definition of chronic...,
What is the definition of emphysema
10  cards
Pleural Effusion
What are the clinical signs of a ...,
What are the causes of a pleural ...,
How would you differentiate betwe...
22  cards
Lung Cancer
How would you classify lung cancer,
What is the most common type of n...,
What are the risk factors for lun...
16  cards
Thoracotomy Scar - Lobectomy and Pneumonectomy
What are the possible indications...,
What are the possible indications...,
Approach to lateral thoracotomy scar
8  cards
What are the side effects of tube...,
What are the clinical features of...,
What is the prevalence of tubercu...
9  cards
What are the causes of a pneumoth...,
What are the bts guidelines on th...,
How would you manage a secondary ...
12  cards
Lung Collapse and SVCO
What are the causes of lung collapse,
What are the clinical findings si...,
What is brock s syndrome
10  cards
Lung Consolidation
What are the causes of consolidation,
What are the examination findings...,
What are the causes of persistent...
7  cards
What is fibrothorax,
What are the examination findings...,
What are the differential diagnos...
7  cards
Rheumatoid Lung
Rheumatoid lung dance,
What are the respiratory manifest...
2  cards

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mrcp paces respiratory

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