This class was created by Brainscape user Emma Thomson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

Axilla and Neurovascular Input to the Upper Limb
What is the axilla,
The anterior wall of axilla is fo...,
The posterior wall of the axilla ...
28  cards
Dermatomes and Lymphatic Drainage of the Upper Limb
What is a dermatome,
All lymphatic vessels from the up...
5  cards
Pectoral Girdle, Scapular Movements and Muscles
Label the pectoral girdle,
What is the pectoral girdle,
The entire upper limb and pectora...
15  cards
The Shoulder (Gleno-Humeral) Joint, Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Musculature
The 2 main bursae in the shoulder...,
Which bursa communicates with the...,
What is the role of the subacromi...
43  cards
Anterior Compartment of the Arm and Musculocutaneous Nerve
What is the most superficial musc...
16  cards
Neurovascular Structures of the Anterior Arm
The brachial artery is a direct c...,
Where does the brachial artery be...
7  cards
The Posterior Compartment of the Arm
Which muscle occupies the entire ...,
What is the origin and insertion ...,
Extend you arm straight and feel ...
13  cards
The Antecubital Fossa
Describe the antecubital fossa,
Label the antecubital fossa,
Which vein lies anterior to the r...
6  cards
The Elbow and Radio-Ulnar Joints
What type of joint is the elbow j...,
Label features of the elbow joint,
Which ligament holds the ulnar in...
13  cards
The Anterior Compartment of the Forearm
The muscles of the anterior compa...,
34  cards
Neurovascular Structures of the Anterior Forearm
Label the neurovascular structure...,
Which muscles does the median ner...
10  cards
The Carpal Tunnel
What is the carpal tunnel,
What is the flexor retinaculum,
The flexor retinaculum is anchore...
5  cards
The Hand
Which muscle of the forearm not f...,
Working from superficial to deep ...
38  cards
Bones of Forearm, Wrist and Hand
Label the anatomy of the radius a...,
What sits between the ulna and th...,
The radius articulates with which...
9  cards
Posterior Forearm
Muscles that extend and abduct or...,
What is the action of extensor ca...,
Which muscles of the posterior fo...
10  cards
Neurovascular Structures of the Posterior Forearm
What is the deep branch of the ra...,
What is the action of the posteri...,
Which nerve runs deep to the supi...
6  cards
Th Dorsum of the Hand
2  cards
The Posterior of the Thumb
Describe the anatomical snuff box,
Anatomical snuffbox boundaries me...
7  cards
The Dorsal Digital (Extensor) Expansion
The four extensor digitorum tendo...,
Describe an extensor expansion,
4  cards
Conceptual Overview of the Lower Limb
The hip bone is composed of which...,
Identify a,
Identify b
34  cards
The Hip Joint and Anterior Thigh
What type of joint is the hip joint,
Why is the hip joint more stable ...,
What is the acetabular labrum
34  cards
Neurovascular Structures of the Thigh
The neurovascular structures of t...,
Which structure forms the medial ...,
Which structure forms the lateral...
20  cards
The Lumbar Plexus
Label the nerves of the lumbar pl...,
Identify the two main motor nerve...,
What are the nerve roots of the o...
7  cards
Pelvic Girdle and Gluteal Region
Describe the pelvic girdle,
Label the pelvic girdle,
Which sciatic foramen is the rout...
12  cards
The Sacral Plexus
The sacral plexus lies on which m...,
The sacral pelxus is formed by th...,
What is this
17  cards
Posterior Compartment of the Thigh
Which is the most lateral of the ...,
Label the posterior compartment o...,
What is the action of the hamstri...
5  cards
The Knee Joint
What type of joint is the knee jo...,
Which is the most important muscl...
20  cards
Bones, Compartments and Anterior Leg
Label the features of the tibia a...,
The tibia and fibula are held tog...,
The superior
19  cards
Lateral Leg and Superficial Fibular Nerve
The lateral compartment of the le...,
What is the action of muscles in ...,
Which fibular nerve supplies the ...
4  cards
Dorsum of the Foot
Which vein ascends on the posteri...,
Which vein ascends on the anterio...,
4  cards
The Ankle Joint
What type of joint is the ankle j...,
Which bone do the distal ends of ...,
The malleoli grip the talus tight...
10  cards
The Popliteal Fossa
Describe the popliteal fossa,
Label the structures found in the...
8  cards
The Posterior Leg
Which two headed muscle composes ...,
What are the actions of the gastr...,
What is the action of the soleus ...
13  cards
Neurovascular Structures in the Leg
Which nerve innervates all the mu...,
Which branch of the popliteal art...
4  cards
The Foot
Label the bones of the foot,
What is the function of the plant...,
What movements can occur at the m...
12  cards

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msk anatomy

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