This class was created by Brainscape user Mugabe Watanabe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Nocturnal enuresis rx,
Nocturnal enuresis general manage...,
Nocturnal enuresis underlying causes
510  cards
Individual cbt,
High intensity psychological inte...,
How often do high intensity sessi...
141  cards
Ascending cholangitis cause,
Most common predisposing factor t...,
Charcot s triad for ascending cho...
283  cards
Drugs causing lung fibrosis,
Most common feature of co poisoning,
Features of co toxicity
177  cards
Indications for testing vitamin d,
Methotrexate moa
213  cards
Adhesive capsulitis associations,
Adhesive capsulitis features,
Adhesive capsulitis rx
174  cards
Geriatric Medicine
Lewy body dementia mushkies,
What percentage of pts with alzhe...,
Lewy body dementia features
39  cards
Anaphylaxis definition,
Anaphylaxis adrenaline doses,
How often can adrenaline be repeated
11  cards
Metabolic Medicine
What lft lowered as part of acute...,
Hyperkalaemia blood gas,
Beta blocker electrolyte derangement
47  cards
Types of cytotoxic agents,
Alkylating agent example,
Cyclophosphamide moa
49  cards
Palliative Care
Palliative care agitation and con...,
Terminal agitation and restlessness,
Starting palliative pain regimen
26  cards
Acei moa,
Acei s e,
Acei cautions and c i
233  cards
T1dm ix,
T1dm antibodies,
Insulin autoantibodies iaa mushkies
157  cards
Primary biliary cirrhosis associa...,
Pbc dx,
Pbc rx
253  cards
Itp definition,
Itp in children vs adults,
Itp presentation
129  cards
Infectious Diseases
Mycoplasma pneumoniae features,
Mycoplasma complications,
Mycoplasma dx
365  cards
Visible haematuria following rece...,
Commonest causes of glomeruloneph...,
Iga nephropathy associations
103  cards
Huntington s prognosis,
Huntington s genetics,
Huntington s features
306  cards
Copd general management,
Copd medication management,
Asthmatic steroid responsive feat...
139  cards
Most common cause of blindness in...,
Diabetic retinopathy classification,
Npdr classification
239  cards
How long until iud effective,
How long until pop effective,
How long until cocp effective
109  cards
Amenorrhoea classification,
Primary amenorrhoea causes,
Most common cause of primary amen...
233  cards
Factors which reduce vertical hiv...,
Hiv and mode of delivery,
Neonatal art
219  cards
Rosacea features,
Rosacea rx,
Bullous pemphigoid definition
297  cards
Presbyacusis audiogram,
Presbyacusis causes,
Presbyacusis presentation
191  cards

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