nao cpp (blue books) course 3

This class was created by Brainscape user Ben Richards. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Prescription Transposition
Converting minus cylinder to plus cylinder, and plus cylinder to minus cylinder
10  cards
Finishing Room Calculations
Given a frame with the following ...,
Given a frame with the following ...,
Given a frame with the following ...
5  cards
Government Agencies/SDS/Optical Waste Management
What federal agency is charged wi...,
What federal agency is charged wi...,
What is the name of the document ...
5  cards
Lensometry and Verification
The term lensometer has become th...,
Rather than reading the power of ...,
When viewing through the eyepiece...
14  cards
Tinting and Tempering
What are the three primary colors,
Explain the difference between bl...
16  cards
Optical Tools and Standard Alignment
What is the name of the tool inst...,
What is the name of the tool inst...,
10  cards
Prentice's Rule and Total Power in any Meridian
What is the formula for prentice ...,
What is the simple number sequenc...,
What is the completed percentage ...
10  cards
Vertex Distance, Effective Power, and Compensated Power
What is the simplified formula fo...,
What is martin s tilt formula for...,
What is martin s tilt formula for...
24  cards
Spectacle Magnification and Unequal Refractive Errors
What does the prefix a or an indi...,
What does the prefix iso indicate,
A wildly fluctuating refraction i...
30  cards
Describe diffuse reflection,
When a ___ of light strikes the s...,
What type of mirror will cause im...
21  cards
Telescopes and Binoculars
Of the two types of telescopes us...,
Of the two telescopes,
What is an advantage of the galil...
15  cards
Prism II
If prism in the od is located in ...,
If prism in the od is located in ...,
If prism in the os is located in ...
32  cards
A lens dispersing white light int...,
Which aberration are of the great...,
The lens aberration that produces...
10  cards

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nao cpp (blue books) course 3

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