This class was created by Brainscape user Brandon edlund. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

CNS Stimulants-1
What do sympathomimetics generall...,
What are sympathomimetics,
What are some effects of sympatho...
20  cards
Cognitive Enhancers
What are common misdiagnosis of adhd,
What is adhd,
What are the brain pathways of ne...
28  cards
Sim Lab
What are the half lives of naloxo...,
What is the glasgow coma scale,
Does methadone affect the heart
4  cards
Why is it difficult to uncover th...,
What are the four stages of anest...,
What are some theories used to de...
48  cards
Traumatic Brain Injury
What are the three spheres of con...,
What is a concussion,
What are you most worried about a...
32  cards
What does a seizure manifest as,
What is a seizure,
What is the etiology of a seizure
16  cards
What are the basic eeg rhythms or...,
What is an eeg,
What are the stages of sleep
59  cards
Pediatric Neurology
When do humans complete the myeli...,
What is different about kids,
What is significant about neonata...
20  cards
Anxiolytic-sedative-hypnotic Drugs
What does sedation mean,
What does anxiolytic mean,
What does hypnosis mean
41  cards
CNS Tumors
What is the typical clinical sett...,
What are the general differences ...,
What is the morphological appeara...
43  cards
Prion Diseases
What are the similarities and dis...,
What is the risk of contracting p...,
What are the causes of prion dise...
18  cards
Cerebrovascular Diseases
What are three things that can go...,
What is the third leading cause o...,
What is global cerebral ischemia
25  cards
Degenerative Disorders
Where does dengeneration occur in...,
Where does dengeneration occur in...,
Where does dengeneration occur in...
28  cards
Mood Disorders
What are the known neurochemical ...,
What are the known neurochemical ...,
What are the known neurochemical ...
50  cards
What is wallerian degeneration,
What are the differences and simi...,
What is chromatolysis
12  cards
Anti-Psychotic Drugs
How does the mesolimbic pathway c...,
What are the four dopaminergic sy...,
How does the mescortical pathway ...
25  cards
Hovelands Degenerative Diseases
What is vascular dementia,
What is pick s disease,
What is progressive supra nuclear...
7  cards
Where is degeneration in hd,
What is the inheritance of huntin...,
What is the genetic defect respon...
24  cards
What is the max concentration of ...,
What are the three clinically app...,
What alcohol by volume percent is...
17  cards
CNS Infection Review
What are polyomaviruses,
What is the diff for encephalitis,
How are polyomaviruses spread and...
15  cards

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neuro block 5

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