This class was created by Brainscape user Katy Russell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

PNS Anatomy Revision
What are the two main types of ne...,
Where is the cell body multipolar...,
Where is the cell body
42  cards
How many pairs of spinal nerves a...,
4 types of glial cells,
Microglia what is the nucleus lik...
15  cards
What is the node of ranvier,
What is the axon hillock and init...,
Local interneurone
109  cards
Anatomy of Back, Spine, Spinal Cord
Intrinsic back muscles what are t...,
Low back pain which muscle might ...,
Erector spinae attachments
28  cards
Week 3
What is the most common subtype o...,
What is the median survival of mn...,
What is the average age of mnd di...
132  cards
Week 5
What percentage of the skull does...,
How many mls of blood in the skull,
How many mls of csf in the skull
28  cards
Neuroanatomy revision session
Functions of the frontal lobe,
Functions of the parietal lobe,
Functions of the temporal lobe
25  cards
Yearclub revision session
Unilateral throbbing headache,
Migraine timeframe,
Acute treatment of migraine
73  cards
Central anticholinergic drug exam...,
Why is drug induced parkinsons no...,
What drug class is first line for...
4  cards
Stroke Week
What percentage of tias will show...,
How long does a true tia last,
Which subtype of stroke is most c...
57  cards
Neuroanatomy lecture 2
The conus medullaris continues as...,
What is the denticulate ligament,
Lateral horn of the spinal cord w...
3  cards
Motor Neurone Disease
Are males or females affected more,
What percentage of mnd is sporadi...,
At what age does sporadic mnd pea...
10  cards

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