neuroscience 2: higher cognitive function

This class was created by Brainscape user Sofie Sørensen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Module 1: L1-4 - intro
What components does the definiti...,
How are emotions and mood different,
What are the three categorize of ...
20  cards
Module 1: L5-6 + 8-9 - development
18  cards
Module 1: L7 + L12-L17 - MDD and BIP
What are the symptoms of depression,
What are the symptoms of bip,
Describe the activity of the fron...
33  cards
Module 1: L12-17 - animal models
Provide examples of behavioral sc...,
Explain the use and importance of...,
Describe theoretical approaches a...
21  cards
Module 1: L18 + L23-27 - Social cognition
Provide examples of brain regions...,
Describe the possible consequence...,
Provide examples of neurodevelopm...
16  cards
Module 1: emotions and mood
What components does the definiti...,
How are emotions and mood different,
What are the three categorize of ...
30  cards
Neuroimaging mood and emotions
Describe the principles of mri,
What is t2 relaxation,
What is fmri used for
7  cards
Neuronal changes in depression: role of growth factors, adult neurogenesis, and neuroplasticity
What are the limitations of the m...,
Explain how the clinical effects ...,
Describe the problem with antidep...
11  cards
Molecular pathways in emotions and mood
1  cards
Neuropharmacology and depression
Describe the monoamine hypothesis...,
Define long onset of action of tr...,
Provide examples of drugs used as...
20  cards
ECT's effects on psychopathology
What is ect,
What was ect mainly used for when...,
What is ect used for today
5  cards
Memory mechanisms at the cellular and network level
What does an engram refer to,
What are the three main types of ...,
What does the hippocampus play a ...
12  cards
Language intro
Describe the relationship between...,
Can thinking occur without language,
What are phonemes
7  cards
Neurobiology of language
What are the classical area of th...,
What are the classical area of th...,
What are broca s aphasia
22  cards
Language development
What are the critical periods for...,
At what age should we learn a sec...,
Describe the behaviorist approach
17  cards
Reading, writing and acquired deficits
Define developmental and acquired...,
Describe the dual route and inter...,
Describe and explain the word sup...
4  cards
Alternative communication forms
What network does sign language use,
90 of deaf children are born to h...,
Can aphasia affect signers
10  cards
Neuronal basis of attention
Describe the interplay between bo...,
Explain the difference between ex...,
Describe the dorsal and ventral a...
10  cards
Cognitive deficits in patients with schizophrenia
Describe the profile and severity...,
Describe the progression of cogni...,
Describe the relation between cog...
9  cards
Decision-making and impulsivity
Define the concept cognitive control,
Define the concept decision making,
Provide examples of parameters th...
12  cards

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neuroscience 2: higher cognitive function

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