This class was created by Brainscape user Charan Muraleedharan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (65)

Synapses and Receptors
Time taken between ap of cell 1 a...,
Describe events of the snare hypo...,
Why is the vesicle membrane compl...
18  cards
Molecular Basis of Memory
What is hebbs rule,
Name the major site of episodic m...,
What widely used model mediates a...
17  cards
Neurons and Astrocytes
Difference between pns and cns ne...,
Describe events of ap generation,
Name 2 main compartments in neuro...
30  cards
Describe the origin of oligodendr...,
What arises from opcs,
Key marker of oligodendrocyte pre...
32  cards
Axonal Growth & Guidance
What factors determine axon guidance,
Give an example of a short range ...,
Give 2 examples of long range gui...
24  cards
Microglia general function,
Microglia found more in white or ...,
Microglia function 3 categories
19  cards
Schwann Cells
Difference between schwann cells ...,
Components of nodes of ranvier,
Features of resting membrane pote...
16  cards
Axonal Regeneration
Describe the mechanisms of the th...,
Describe the pns injury pathway,
How astrocytes cause growth cone ...
21  cards
Therapeutic Targeting CNS Tumours
Challenges for the treatment of b...,
What properties of drugs are need...,
Can chemotherapy drugs cross bbb
26  cards
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
What is a locus,
Additive phenotype,
Humans have ___ of rare miss sens...
15  cards
Introduction to Stem Cells
2 key features of stem cells,
Define cell potency,
Define totipotent with example
12  cards
Neuronal Stem Cells (NSC) in the Central Nervous System (CNS)
Define self renew,
Define multipotent,
Neural plate forms at __ weeks ge...
21  cards
Pain I
Types of pain,
Difference between nociception an...,
Acute pain vs chronic pain
40  cards
Pain II
What is p11 function,
P11 ko ttx resistnance,
What are lipid rafts
18  cards
CNS Tumours
Via what path do brain tumours li...,
Define neurotropic,
Pros and cons of ct scans
12  cards
Tissue Culture & Immunocytochemistry Part 1/2
Standard tissue culture condition,
List some methods of aseptic tech...,
Define primary cell model
23  cards
Tissue Culture & Immunocytochemistry Part 2/2
Immunocytochemistry refers to,
Immunohistochemistry refers to,
What 2 ways can we view sub cellu...
7  cards
Cerebral Ischaemia and Pathogenic Mechanisms
What is the best method to improv...,
Current treatments for cerebral i...,
Stroke prophylaxis examples
36  cards
Stroke: Anatomy, causes/risk factors, clinical syndromes/investigations
Define stroke,
2 types of stroke,
Virchow s triad
18  cards
Cerebral Ischaemia and Pathogenic Mechanisms: Fundamentals
Stroke pathophysiology cellular l...,
Cellular pathophysiological chang...,
Main events that occur in cerebra...
11  cards
Stroke: Clinical features and acute therapy
Cornerstones of acute ischaemic s...,
Cornerstones of intracerebral hae...,
Imaging modality of choice for st...
24  cards
Stroke: Animal models and developing therapies
Overview of animal models for isc...,
Describe and evaluate filament mcao,
Describe and evaluate craniotomy ...
19  cards
Prion Disease
Describe what prion diseases are,
List prion diseases for humans,
List prion diseases for animals
30  cards
MS Pathology and Animal Models
Macro and micro ms pathology,
Main cell involved in the destruc...,
Presence of macrophages are usefu...
21  cards
MS: Immunology
List the types and locations of k...,
Main cells implicated in ms patho...,
Describe the cell pathology in th...
28  cards
Clinical Features of MS
Define ms,
Briefly describe how ms occurs,
Describe the geographical distrib...
43  cards
Treatment Strategies for MS
General ways of managing ms,
Types of pharmacological treatmen...,
Standard ms treatment to accelera...
30  cards
CNS Trauma: Imaging
Outcome of occipital impact,
Ct scan concave shape,
Ct scan irregular margin
14  cards
CNS Trauma: Neuropathology
Types of head trauma,
How to determine the extend of da...,
What is ischaemia
27  cards
Epilepsy and its treatment
Define epilepsy,
Define seizure,
Comment on the age of incidence o...
37  cards
The Science and Ethics of Genome Editing
Briefly describe the required equ...,
List some methods of genome editing,
How does crispr cas9 work
17  cards
Animal models of traumatic brain injury
Primitive level steps of tbi,
Describe impact effects of primar...,
Describe non impact effects of pr...
23  cards
Parkinson's Disease: Neuropathology
Define parkinsons disease,
Define parkinsonism,
Define parkinsonian disorders
26  cards
Parkinson’s Plus Disorders:MSA and Related Conditions
List some cases of parkinsonism,
What is multiple system atrophy msa,
How to categorise msa
20  cards
Motor Neuron Disease/Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) PART I
Define motor neuron disease amyot...,
Neuropathological features of als,
Compare als risk in men vs women
47  cards
Motor Neuron Disease/Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) PART II
Briefly summarise the common mole...,
Genetic relationship between als ...,
The most prevalent mutation in fals
30  cards
Parkinson's Disease: Clinical Features and Therapeutics
Key features of pdd instead of pd,
How to image pd and what is observed,
Neurotransmitters involved in pd
17  cards
PD: Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration
Why do da neurons degenerate,
Describe ubiquitin proteasome pat...,
Genetic causes of defects in ubiq...
23  cards
PD: Genetics and Epigenetics I
List some parkinsons associated p...,
How have gwas identified risk gen...,
Risk loci identified by gwas
17  cards
PD: Animal Models and Drug Development
Describe features of toxin based ...,
Examples of toxin based models of pd,
6 hydroxydopamine 6 ohda features...
39  cards
Genome Editing Mechanism and Applications
0  cards
Huntington's Disease
What is chorea,
Huntingtons mean age of onset,
Basic genetics and inheritance pa...
21  cards
AD: Neuropathology
Key neuropathological features in ad,
Extracellular a plaques senile ne...,
Dustbin hypothesis of extracellul...
28  cards
AD: Molecular Mechanisms and Animal Models: Part I
The role of tau physiologically a...,
Outcome of administering synthetic a,
App synthesis pathway
23  cards
Alzheimer’s: Clinical Features, Aetiology and Drug Treatment
Clinical features of typical ad,
Anatomical location of dysfunctio...,
Clinical features of ad as it pro...
45  cards
Diagnostic Imaging in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's
Role of microglia in the amyloid ...,
Effect of clearing amyloid in ad pts,
Microglia relationship w amyloid ...
29  cards
AD: Molecular Mechanisms and Animal Models: Part II
Overview of in vitro ad models,
Overview of in vivo ad models and...,
Disadvantages of in vivo rats mic...
10  cards
Fronto-Temporal Dementias
Key clinical features of ftds,
Neuropathological features of pic...,
No of isoforms of tau protein
19  cards
Introduction Optogenetics and Circuit Neurosciences
0  cards
Differential diagnosis of dementia
What is charles bonnet syndrome cbs,
Common characteristics of cbs,
General features of the nature of...
30  cards
Genetics of Schizophrenia
Symptoms of schizophrenia,
Prevalence of schizophrenia,
Age of onset of schizophrenia
25  cards
Global Mental Health
Biopsychosocial model of interven...,
Examples of evidence based psycho...,
Simplified rational for cbt
22  cards
Schizophrenia: Historical Perspective and Clinical Features
Define psychotic,
Schizophrenia first characterised...,
List types of schizophrenia symptoms
40  cards
Pharmacological Treatments for Schizophrenia
Goals of pharmacological treatmen...,
Notable first generation antipsyc...,
Notable second generation antipsy...
20  cards
Schizophrenia and Sex Hormones
Define psychosis,
Difference between schizophrenia ...,
Pathology of schizophrenia brain ...
15  cards
Affective Disorders
Define mood affective disorders,
Diagnostic criteria for depression,
Bipolar disorder clinical features
27  cards
Clinical Trials
What is the advantage of the rand...,
Aims of clinical trials,
Outline types of trials
14  cards
Mood Instability
Define mood instability,
Mood instability with other disor...,
Mood instability in the general p...
14  cards
Perinatal & infant mental health
Examples of perinatal associated ...,
Pharmacological interventions ben...,
Pharmacological interventions risks
19  cards
Trauma and PTSD
Define ptsd and list the main clu...,
Examples of re experiencing re li...,
Examples of hyperarousal
30  cards
Introduction to neurobiology of substance misuse and addiction
Addiction services drugs seen and...,
Most prevalent mental disorders,
Harm from drugs to society vs ind...
32  cards
Neuroinflammation in Alcoholism
Simplified mechanism of inflammation,
Key clinical features of inflamma...,
Triggers of neuroinflammation
19  cards
Pharmacological Interventions in addiction
Treatment gap for mental disorders,
Overview of methods of pharmacoth...,
Role of alcohol with gaba receptor
34  cards
Drugs, Classifications and Harms
Define a drug,
List the categories of illegal drugs,
Overview of drug regulation in uk
11  cards
Hormonal interventions in addiction: the Gut Hormones in Addiction (GHADD) study
Need to panopto thissystems invol...,
Brain regions activated in respon...,
How to examine food evaluation
4  cards

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neuroscience and mental health

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