This class was created by Brainscape user Ben Boyce. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

History of NLP
What were the foundations of nlp ...,
What were the symbolic approaches...,
What were the stochastic approach...
7  cards
What are some problems with natur...,
What types of texts exist,
What is a sentence
35  cards
Regular Expressions
What is a regular expression,
How do you match characters in re...,
What do brackets indicate in regexps
24  cards
Evaluation and Linguistic Resources
What are extrinsic evalutations,
What is intrinsic evaluation,
How does classic ai differ from m...
17  cards
Language Modelling
What is a language model,
What is the most basic of languag...,
What can n gram models be used to
35  cards
What does,
How did pos originate,
What can pos also be called
31  cards
What does ner stand for,
What is a named entity,
What is named entity recognition
38  cards
Lexical And Vector Semantics
Lexical semantics,
Word lemma
42  cards
Is word2vec a dense or sparse emb...,
Are dense or sparse embeddings be...,
What does static embedding mean
28  cards
How do hidden markov models input...,
What are some limits around state...,
What is the workaround to sentenc...
28  cards
Sequence Processing, Transformers and Attention
What does lstm stand for,
Why is long distant information c...,
What is an issue of using rnns
36  cards
Machine Translation and Encoder-Decoder Models
What is machine translation,
What machine translation models e...,
What type of task is machine tran...
43  cards
Constituency Grammars
What does syntax mean,
What does syntactic consistency mean,
How do we form constituents
45  cards
Syntactic Parsing
What is syntactic parsing,
What are two parsing structures,
What is the biggest challenge to ...
26  cards
Dependency Parsing
What is a dependency grammar,
What type of word order to depend...,
What do the edges and nodes repre...
42  cards
Word Senses and WordNet
What is a word sense,
How is a sense defined,
What is a synonym
23  cards
Information Extraction
What is information extraction,
What is relation extraction re,
What can be used to encode relati...
44  cards
Semantic Role Labelling
What is a semantic role,
What are some semantic role datasets,
What is semantic role labelling
28  cards
Question Answering
What is factoid question answerin...,
What is factoid question answerin...,
What are some other types of qa
24  cards
NLP Tips and Tricks
How does the softmax classifier work,
What is the input and output for ...,
What is the size of the softmax w...
12  cards

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