nm 705 postpartum and newborn

This class was created by Brainscape user Lindy Kirk. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Module 1: Physiology of Fetal/Newborn Transition
Describe aspects of fetal lung ma...,
Describe the timing of fetal lung...,
Differentiate between the biochem...
29  cards
Module 1 Practice Questions
When does fetal lung fluid clear,
Fetal systemic circulation is cha...,
From the ductus venosus blood tra...
41  cards
Module 2: Normal Newborn Care
List the components of immediate ...,
What is an apgar score,
What is the origin of the apgar
20  cards
Module 2 Practice Questions
A g1p1 nervous about taking her b...,
Immediately after birth the newbo...,
Which newborn vital sign would be...
65  cards
Module 3 GRTL Study Guide Questions
Describe uterine involution,
How does fundal height change ove...,
At what point postpartum is the u...
42  cards
Module 3 Part A/B
Describe physiologic respiratory ...,
Describe physiologic renal system...,
Describe physiologic hepatic syst...
40  cards
Module 3 Practice Questions
A patient has a 500 ml estimated ...,
At 4 days postpartum where should...,
Healing at the placental site tak...
24  cards
Module 4 Practice Questions
T f parent interaction with newbo...,
Which are important self care tec...,
T f taking hold is when the mothe...
9  cards
Module 3/4 BBB Practice Questions
What cardiovascular changes occur...,
What is the expected shift in str...,
What is the expected vital sign c...
46  cards
Module 4 Family Adaptations
Define trauma informed care,
Identify the tools for trauma inf...,
Describe maternal behaviors prena...
21  cards
Module 5: Breast Anatomy and Physiology
Describe lactogenesis stage 1,
Describe lactogenesis stage 2,
Describe galactopoesis
28  cards
Module 5 BBB
What is the alveolus,
What is colostrum,
What are the coopers ligaments
48  cards
Module 5 Practice Questions
Following the delivery of the pla...,
Retained placenta fragments may r...,
When does lactogenesis i occur
33  cards

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nm 705 postpartum and newborn

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