nurological physiotherapy

This class was created by Brainscape user Scarlett Stepney. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

L1: Module Intro
Define neurological physiohterapy,
Why do we approach rehabilitation,
Who is neurological physiotherapy...
13  cards
L2: Intro to Posrure and Principles of Movement
Why do we assess posture,
Why does everyone not have the sa...,
Frontal coronal plane
56  cards
P1: Posture & intro into handling
How is ideal posture measured,
Anatomical surface pointsof plumb...,
Anatomical surface pointsof plumb...
16  cards
L3: The Brain & Neurological Conditions
Describe 2 main elements of the s...,
What is the role of the skull,
What is the meninges of the brain
56  cards
Parkinson's disease
What is parkinson s,
What is the pathophysiology of pa...,
What is dopamine
21  cards
Multiple Scerosis
What is ms,
What are the 4 types of ms,
Describe relapse remitting ms
29  cards
Cerebrovascular Accident
Define a stroke cva,
What are the 2 types of cva,
Define a transient ischaemic attack
18  cards
Motor Control
What is motor control,
What are you looking for when it ...,
What does motor control rely on
55  cards
Presenting Neurological Conditions
What is the possible range of pat...,
What barriers might there be to c...,
What strategies might you use to ...
11  cards
Balance and Postural Control
0  cards
Objective Assessment
In what order should you conduct ...,
How can you assess alertness of a...,
How can you assess cognition orie...
8  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Facilitation of Lying: sit to stand
0  cards
Gait: Weight Transfer and Step
0  cards
Gait: Cycle & Walking Aids
0  cards
Lower Limb Massage and Foot Mobilisation
0  cards
Facilitation of Upper Limbs
0  cards
Upper Limb Massage and Mobilisation
0  cards

More about
nurological physiotherapy

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