This class was created by Brainscape user Grace Dziewit. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

Diabetes: week 1
What happens during glycogenesis,
What kind of acid base issue does...,
Which hormone stimulates glycogen...
57  cards
GI system: week 2 (prep material)
What s the difference between an ...,
What are the 4 layers of the dige...,
What does the mucosal layer of th...
74  cards
GI system week 2: lecture questions
Which class of antiemetics is ond...,
How does ondansetron affect the h...,
Which drug class is dexamethosone
64  cards
week 2 assessment
What symptoms are unique to crohn...,
What symptoms are unique to uc,
What is a unique adverse effect o...
33  cards
Week 3: accessory organs (PHYS)
What does the hepatic portal vein do,
What does the hepatic artery do,
Easy important things does the li...
73  cards
week 3 drugs!
Which drug would we use to treat ...,
Which drug would we use to improv...
6  cards
week 4 patho: the heart
Which side of the heart pushes bl...,
Which side of the heart contains ...,
Which artery of the heart in coro...
43  cards
week 4 pharm
What part of ace inhibitors cause...,
How to ace inhibitors affect pota...,
How to statins work
24  cards
week 5 patho
What does the term ischemia mean,
What is infarction,
What is unstable angina
41  cards
week 5 pharm
What drug class is hydralizine,
What is the moa for hydralizine,
What is a major adverse effect of...
22  cards
week 6 path
What is the main purpose of bone,
What is hematopoesis,
Which two vitamins does bones store
49  cards
week 6 pharm
Which drugs are first generation ...,
Which drugs are second generation...,
How is aspirin different from the...
41  cards
week 7 path
What are the two smaller systems ...,
What constitutes the cns,
What constitutes the pns
70  cards
week 7 pharm
Why do you need to give levodopa ...,
What is sinemet
34  cards
Week 8 anatomy review (brain)
What are the 4 lobes of the cerebrum,
What does the frontal lobe do,
What does the parietal lobe do
18  cards
week 8 patho
What are the two major arteries i...,
Which artery in t,
Which artery supplies blood to po...
27  cards
week 8 pharm
What are the 5 levels of coma,
What is mentation
62  cards
week 9 patho intracranial regulation
What are some things that affect ...,
What happens when intracranial re...,
How is cerebral edema and icp rel...
37  cards
week 9 patho seizures
What is the resting membrane pote...,
How do elements contribute to dep...,
Which neurotransmitter caused dep...
19  cards
week 9 pharm
What does mannitol do and how doe...,
How can you tell if mannitol is w...,
What is dilantin and what does it do
22  cards
assessment 6 + 7
What is active rom,
Whats passive rom,
What is contracture
46  cards
patho week 10
Where do the kidneys sit in the body,
How much blood is filtered every ...,
How many litres of urine is forme...
58  cards
week 10 pharm
Between captopril and candesartan...,
How does captopril help with ckd,
What drug class is candesartan
22  cards
week 11 patho
What are some v basic characteris...,
How high will creatinine be with ...,
What are the three main patient g...
50  cards
week 11 pharm
Which aki drug is actually curative,
Which type of uti does septra treat,
Which type of allergy should you ...
13  cards
week 12 patho
How do normal cells work,
What is contact inhibition,
What is a normal situation that c...
45  cards
week 12 pharm
What are the three main approache...,
What does a disseminated cancer mean,
What is the cell cycle of cancer
36  cards
week 12 pharm part 2 (actual drugs)
What are the two antimetabolites,
What are the two antitumout antib...,
What are the two mitotic inhibitors
33  cards
week 10 seminar
What are the major ckd risk factors,
What are the two ethnicities most...,
What is the earliest sign of diab...
27  cards
week 11 seminar
0  cards
week 12 seminar
0  cards

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nurs 2514

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