This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Fey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Module 1: The Food on Your Plate
Define nutrition,
Define nutrient,
Define essential nutrient
73  cards
Module 2: Think Before You Eat
3 pillars of a healthy diet,
Define variety,
Define balance
44  cards
Module 3: Digestion and Absorption
Where does digestion occur,
What does the gi tract consist of,
Are things in the gi tract mouth ...
132  cards
Module 4: Carbohydrates
What are the functions of carbohy...,
How many kcal gram do carbohydrat...,
What is the amdr for carbohydrates
106  cards
Module 5: Lipids
What is the scientific term for fats,
Define lipids,
What are the 3 major categories o...
103  cards
Module 6: Proteins
What elements are proteins made of,
How much energy per gram does pro...,
Is supplying energy proteins prim...
114  cards
Module 7: Energy Balance and Obesity
Explain why 100 calories of carbs...,
Why can foods marketed as low fat...,
What are some reasons people cons...
86  cards
Module 8: Water and Electrolytes
What allows water to attract othe...,
What are the two major compartmen...,
What percent of your body s water...
70  cards
Module 9: Vitamins
What type of nutrients are vitamins,
Are vitamins organic or inorganic,
How do vitamins assist is providi...
171  cards
Module 10: Minerals
Define minerals fdffmfmfjndfvmv,
Define macrominerals,
Define micorminerals trace minerals
76  cards
Module 11: Dietary Supplements
What was included in dietary supp...,
What was added to the definition ...,
Describe the dietary supplement h...
32  cards
Module 12: Sport and Exercise Nutrition
Who are sports nutrition recommen...,
What aspects of exercise affect t...,
What metabolism is sued for low t...
93  cards
Module 13: Eating Disorders
Define disordered eating,
Examples of clinically diagnosed ...,
Is anorexia nervosa and clinical ...
59  cards
Module 14: Nutrition for Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Infant Feeding
2  cards

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nutr 202

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