This class was created by Brainscape user Emma Harris. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

AS Quotes: The Persian Wars
What does herodotus say about mar...,
What does herodotus say about dar...,
What does herodotus say about how...
22  cards
AS Quotes: 479 - 446 BC
According to thucydides what does...,
What does thucydides say about th...,
In the early years of the penteco...
31  cards
AS Quotes: 446 - 431 BC
What does thucydides say about th...,
What does plutarch say about the ...,
What does thucydides say about th...
11  cards
AS Quotes: The Archidamian War (431 - 421 BC)
What did thucydides say about the...,
What does thucydides say about th...,
What does the kerameikos mass gra...
16  cards
AS Quotes: 421 - 412 BC
What does thucydides say about at...,
According to thucydides what does...,
What does thucydides say about al...
18  cards
AS Quotes: The Ionian War (412 - 404 BC)
What does thucydides say about th...,
What battle is the last battle th...,
What does the letter after the ba...
14  cards
Spartan Education: The Agoge and Women
What does plutarch say about babi...,
What does xenophon say about the ...,
What does plutarch say about educ...
18  cards
Social Structure of Sparta
What are the requirements to be a...,
What does plutarch say about the ...,
What does plutarch say about the ...
29  cards
Political Structure of Sparta
What were the two differing dynas...,
What does aristotle say about spa...,
What does plutarch say about the ...
28  cards
Military Culture and its Importance
How was the army organised who re...,
What does herodotus say about the...,
What does thucydides say about th...
22  cards
Spartan Kings/Regents
Who was leonidas,
Who were the two kings to go thro...,
What significant thing did leonid...
16  cards
Other State's Views of Sparta
What did the corinthians accuse s...,
Why did the corinthians accuse sp...,
What does thucydides say about sp...
4  cards

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ocr ancient history: greece

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