This class was created by Brainscape user ilyas shirzada. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

1.1 Computer Hardware
What is an input device,
What is an output device,
Make a list of 5 input devices
7  cards
1.2 Computer Components
What is the role of the cpu,
What is the role of the motherboard,
What is the role of psu
28  cards
1.3 Computer Systems
What is mainframe computers name ...,
What is quantum computers
2  cards
1.4 Connectivity
What is a fibre optic cable and i...,
What is a copper cable and it s c...,
What is bluetooth
8  cards
1.5 Communication Hardware
What is a hub,
What is a switch,
What is a modem
6  cards
1.6 Hardware Troubleshooting
What are some steps to take if an...,
What are some things you need to ...,
What is the post
5  cards
How does infrared touchscreen work,
How does resistive touch screen work,
How does capacitive touchscreen work
3  cards
2.1 Software Types
What is open source software,
What is a closed source software,
What is off the shelf software
7  cards
1.7 Units Of Measurements
A single binary unit is called a ...,
4 bits is called a _____,
8 bits is called a _____
4  cards
2.2 Application Software
What is productivity software and...,
What are development tools,
What is business software
3  cards
2.3 Utility Software
What is utility software,
What is antivirus,
What is a firewall
5  cards
2.4 Operating Systems
What is an operating system,
What are the functions in an oper...,
What is the difference between si...
5  cards
2.5 Communication Methods
What are the text based communica...,
What are the voices based communi...,
What are the online communication...
3  cards
2.6 Software Troubleshooting
What is a software error and when...,
What are some common software errors,
What are three trouble shooting t...
3  cards
2.7 Protocols
What is tcp,
What is ip,
What is udp
10  cards
3.1 Server Types
What is a server,
What is a file server,
What is a printing server
8  cards
3.2 Virtualisation
What is virtualisation,
What is a server and storage virt...,
What is a server and storage virt...
5  cards
3.3 Network characteristics
What is a client server network,
What is a peer to peer network,
What is a star network
6  cards
3.4 Connection Methods
What is a lan,
What is a man,
What is a wan
7  cards
3.5 Business Systems
What is an mis,
What is customer relationship man...,
What is standard operating procedure
5  cards

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ocr it unit 1

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