This class was created by Brainscape user Dane Rawlins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Bridge Equipment
0  cards
Passage Planning
Where does it state that we have ...,
Whats is a passage plan,
What is a routing chart and how m...
11  cards
Radar and Bridge Equipment
Radar essentials,
Radar pre depature checks,
How would you setup you x band ra...
25  cards
What does msn 1752 cover
1  cards
What search patterns,
What are your actions in the even...,
Gmdsshow long will your reserve p...
4  cards
What is solas,
What is the objective of solas,
What are the chapters of solas
3  cards
Checklist b6 preparation for sea,
Checklists part b preparation for...,
Checklists part b passage plan ap...
20  cards
Col Regs
The colregs are found in what leg...,
What is rule 5,
What is rule 6
32  cards
What does mgn71 cover,
What is mgn,
What does mgn 161 cover
12  cards
Bridge Publications
What is np100,
What do you know about admiralt l...,
What is a routing chart
6  cards
Response to Emergencies
Response to navifational emergencies,
Emergency proceduresgounding,
Emergency proceduresfire
5  cards
Weather sources of met information,
Weather what is radiation fog,
How would you predict the likely ...
14  cards
ISPS - International Ship & Port Security
Isps how do we comply with the is...,
Isps what does the isps manual co...,
Isps what are the security measur...
11  cards
ISM - International Safety Management
Ism why do we have it,
What is ism,
Ism the sms is issued by the comp...
11  cards
What is a pilot ladder,
When approaching a pilot district...,
What can you do if you are in a c...
7  cards
What do you know about stability ...,
What do you know about damage sta...,
What is a small gm and what is a ...
14  cards
Name the parts of the sextant,
Define the 1st error of sextant,
Define the 2nd error of sextant
7  cards
Met Instruments
How would you read a precission a...,
How would you maintain a precissi...,
What is the purpose of a barograph
12  cards
MGN 315: Keeping a Safe Navigational Watch
Mgn 315 keeping a safe navigation...,
Mgn 315 keeping a safe navigation...,
Mgn 315 keeping a safe navigation...
10  cards
Mandatory Publications required under SOLAS Chapter V.
Paper chartswhat is it used for f...,
Enc rnc chartswhat is it used for...,
International code of signalswhat...
15  cards
Passage Planning COPY
Why do we need a passage plan,
20  cards
What does arpa stand for,
Which band will pick up a sart di...,
Describe the characteristics of a...
18  cards
General Knowledge
What are the meanings of heel lis...,
What is the difference between wa...,
What does the term gross tonnage ...
16  cards
As per stcw what must all seafare...,
What are the minimum rest hours r...,
As per stcw in what periods must ...
5  cards
In which publication can informat...,
What is the purpose of ism,
What are the objectives set out b...
9  cards

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oow oral prep

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