This class was created by Brainscape user Sam A. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (106)

First cranial nerve 1,
Second cranial nerve 2,
Third cranial nerve 3
89  cards
Blood flow from heart to mouth 1,
As external carotid artery passes...,
Lingual artery origin 3
23  cards
Bones of face 1,
Maxilla shape 2,
Parts of maxillae 3
32  cards
Head and Neck Flashcards
Media 1,
Media 2,
Media 3
40  cards
Patient Evaluation
Main aims and objectives of diagn...,
4 steps of history taking 2,
Chief complaints 3
14  cards
Dental instruments
Media 1,
Media 2,
Media 3
90  cards
Basic surgical procedures: incisions, wound suturing, suture materials, curettage, draining, swabbing, puncture
Incision 1,
Incision is placed 2,
Extraoral incisions should be 3
21  cards
Asepsis and Antisepsis
Cleaning 1,
Asepsis 2,
Aseptic technique 3
17  cards
Local Anaesthetics
Purpose of la 1,
Method of action of local anaesth...,
Structure of sodium channel 3
38  cards
Regional Block Anaesthesia
Inferior alveolar nerve block hal...,
Halstead technique procedure 2,
Length of halstead anaesthesia 3
15  cards
Drugs and substances that may pro...,
Most common preservative in local...,
Most common antibiotic producing ...
41  cards
Extraction of teeth
Some indications for extraction o...,
Systemic contraindications for ex...,
Particular attention should be pa...
41  cards
Complications during tooth extraction
Perioperative complications 1,
Causes of fracture of crown or lu...,
Causes of soft tissue injury duri...
33  cards
Odontogenic cysts
Types of odontogenic cysts 1,
Radicular cyst 2,
Clinical presentation of radicula...
17  cards
Non odontogenic cysts
Types of non odontogenic cysts 1,
Glubulomaxillary cyst 2,
Median mandibular cyst 3
12  cards
Classifications of apical periodo...,
Causes of periodontitis 2,
Symptoms of acute apical periodon...
9  cards
Practical exam
Instruments used for picking up s...,
Haemostatic forceps 2,
Instruments used to remove pathol...
75  cards
Impacted Teeth
Most commonly impacted teeth 1,
Teeth become impacted due to 2,
Classification of third molar imp...
10  cards
Media 1,
Media 2,
Media 3
20  cards
Preneoplastic lesions and tumors of the oral cavity in MFA. Frequency, Classification, etiology
Classifications of premalignant f...,
Types of precancerous lesions 2,
Types of precancerous conditions 3
14  cards
Traumas at the MFA. General information on traumas. Classification of traumas
Injuries to hard dental tissues a...,
Crown infraction 2,
Uncomplicated crown fracture 3
28  cards
Diseases of the lymph nodes and lymph vessels in MFA. Topographic anatomy of the lymphatic system, classification, etiology, clinical examination. Basic principles of treatment
Classifications of lymph node dis...,
Lymph nodes in the maxillofacial ...,
Main collector of lymph from maxi...
14  cards
Jaw osteomyelitis – acute and chronic. Definition. Classification, epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis.Traumatic osteomyelitis. Basic principles of treatment.
Osteomyelitis definition 1,
Clinical presentation of osteomye...,
Types of osteomyelitis 3
16  cards
Odontogenic sinusitis –topographic anatomy, classification, etiology, pathogenesis. Basic principles of treatment
Sinus walls 1,
Upper wall facies orbitalis clini...,
Membrane of the maxillary sinus 3
21  cards
Extraction of fractured teeth and roots
Extraction technique using root t...,
Elevator used for root tips 2,
Extraction of single rooted teeth...
7  cards
Postoperative care of the surgical wound. Healing process of the extraction wound
Post op care of tooth socket 1,
Post op instructions 2,
Rest 3
16  cards
Features of local anesthesia in children and inflammatory diseases in MFA
Anatomical considerations in chil...,
Infiltration anaesthesia in child...,
Mandibular block variation 3
3  cards
Normal and compromised wound healing
Factors that dictate healing proc...,
Types of healing progression 2,
First intention 3
19  cards
Preparation of high-risk patients (diabetes, hypertension, patients on anticoagulant therapy, etc.) about anesthesia, tooth extraction and other surgical procedures in MFA
Types of high risk patients 1,
Treatment of patients with myocar...,
Treatment of patients with hypert...
11  cards
Soft tissue cysts and fistulas. Classification. Etiology. Clinical study. Basic principles of treatment.
Types of soft tissue cysts and fi...
1  cards
Dental infections
Common features of dentoalveolar ...,
Pain in dentoalveolar abscess cau...,
Pain can be relieved by 3
37  cards
Allergy Colloquim
Drugs and substances that may pro...,
Most common preservative in local...,
Most common antibiotic producing ...
27  cards
Clinics extraction for patient
Four branches of the maxillary ne...,
First branch of the maxillary ner...,
Where does the pterygopalatine ne...
57  cards
Colloquim 5th year Acute odontogenic infections
Ondontogenic inflammatory diseases 1,
Two main sources of odontogenic i...,
Clinical stages of odontogenic in...
8  cards
Medical Conditions
Inability of myocardium to pump e...,
Stress in congestive heart failur...,
Congestive heart failure symptoms 3
94  cards
Simple extractions 1,
Surgical extractions 2,
Flap design 3
8  cards
Preprosthetic surgery
Structures that may require remov...,
Why preprosthetic surgery is unde...,
Effect of tori on prosthesis 3
23  cards
Examination, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases
Periodontitis defintion 1,
Two main parts of periodontium 2,
Periodontitis can be classified a...
58  cards
Overview of cbct 1,
Advantages of cbct 2,
Disadvantages of cbct 3
9  cards
Endodontic surgery
Definition of endodontic surgery 1,
Main categories of endodontic sur...,
Initial assessment for endodontic...
5  cards
Incisions And Flaps
Important rules for incisions 1,
Importance of firm continuous str...,
Key structures to avoid during in...
29  cards
Mucogingival surgery
Types of mucogingival surgery 1,
Mucogingival surgery 2,
Gingival augmentation procedures 3
20  cards
Predictors for long term success ...,
Main clinical manifestation of a ...,
Main determinants of implant stab...
36  cards
Facial nerve
Fibres of facial nerve 1,
Origin of facial nerve 2,
Facial nerve exits skull through 3
52  cards
Trigeminal nerve
Trigeminal nerve fibres 1,
Nuclei of trigeminal nerve 2,
Divisions of trigeminal nerve 3
55  cards
1. Asepsis and antiseptics in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Preparation of the hands of the surgeon and the operation field for surgery
Basic methods used for sterilizin...,
How instruments are sterilized us...,
Procedure for sterilizing instrum...
10  cards
2. Topographic anatomy of the maxillofacial region: nerve supply, blood supply and lymph supply, facial bones forming the skeleton, muscles / mimic, chewing, etc.
Cranial nerve responsible for the...,
How the optic nerve cn ii functio...,
Cranial nerves that control eye m...
16  cards
3. General surgical procedures - incisions, suturing, sewing materials, curettage, drainage, puncture.
Primary purpose of surgical incis...,
Role retractors play in surgical ...,
How length of surgical incisions ...
55  cards
4. Surgical anatomy of the areas and spaces in the maxillofacial area
Fascial spaces 1,
How fascial spaces differ from fa...,
What facilitates the opening of f...
18  cards
5. Examination of patients in the oral and maxillofacial surgery - a goal of clinical examination, medical history, examination of the general status. Paraclinical tests - reference values.
Steps in treating a patient in or...,
Aims and objectives of preoperati...,
Aims of history taking in oral an...
49  cards
6. Investigation of disease: extra-and intraoral status. Diagnosis, type of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment plan.
Initial observations made during ...,
Vital signs recorded after histor...,
Four aspects of examination shoul...
24  cards
7. Types of anesthesia in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Premedication and general anesthesia.
Types of anesthesia 1,
Premedication in the context of m...,
Factors that influence the select...
88  cards
8. Local anesthesia in maxillo-facial region. Definition, indications, types.
0  cards
9. Types of local anesthetics and their metabolism. Mechanism of action of local anesthetics. Vasoconstrictors. Interaction of local anesthetics with other drugs .
Purpose of la 1,
Method of action of local anaesth...,
Structure of sodium channel 3
38  cards
10. General anesthesia - general anesthesia stages. Intensive care in maxillofacial surgery.
Four stages of general anesthesia 1,
Role of an intensive care unit ic...,
Types of conditions commonly trea...
46  cards
11. Preparing the patient ; for surgery and anesthesia: clinical and paraclinical tests - reference values. Preparation of patients
0  cards
12. Oral and maxillofacial anesthesia features. Premedication. Guidelines for anesthesia by maxillofacial surgeries.
Premedication and its two compone...,
Primary goals of pharmacological ...,
Secondary goals of pharmacologica...
9  cards
13. Local anesthesia in children and inflammatory diseases in the maxillofacial area.
Increased potential risks associa...,
Why pediatric airway more suscept...,
Less ventilatory reserve in the c...
13  cards
14. Preparation of patients with concomitant diseases / diabetes, hypertension, patients on anticoagulant therapy, etc
Inability of myocardium to pump e...,
Stress in congestive heart failur...,
Congestive heart failure symptoms 3
76  cards
15. Complications during and after local anesthesia. Types of prevention. Basic principles of treatment
Maximum dose of local anesthetics 1,
Effect of epinephrine in la 2,
Effects of epinephrine injection ...
64  cards
16. Behavior in emergency situations in the maxillofacial and oral surgery.
Syncope and its main characterist...,
Most common cause of unconsciousn...,
Psychogenic and non psychogenic c...
55  cards
17. Nutrition and postoperative care in patients after maxillofacial operations. Maintain patency of upper respiratory tract.
Why proper diet important after m...,
Guidelines for preparing blended ...,
Carbohydrate options suitable for...
13  cards
18. Retention of the teeth. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment. Complications and prevention
Etiology of tooth retention 1,
Clinical features of retained tee...,
Differential diagnoses for tooth ...
6  cards
19. Acute periodontitis. Etiology, classification, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and surgical treatment. Complications and prevention.
Periodontitis defintion 1,
Two main parts of periodontium 2,
Periodontitis can be classified a...
39  cards
20. Chronic periodontitis. Etiology, classification, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and surgical treatment. Complications and prevention
Periodontitis defintion 1,
Two main parts of periodontium 2,
Periodontitis can be classified a...
33  cards
21. Periostitis of the jaws and facial bones. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinics. 22. Odontogenic cysts of the jaws. Classification, etiology, p
Different classifications of peri...,
Periostitis classification accord...,
Periostitis classification accord...
19  cards
22. Odontogenic cysts of the jaws. Classification, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. Complications
Types of odontogenic cysts 1,
Radicular cyst 2,
Clinical presentation of radicula...
17  cards
23. Nonodontogenic cysts of the jaws. Classification, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. C
Blank 1,
Types of non odontogenic cysts 2,
Glubulomaxillary cyst 3
13  cards
24. Cysts of soft tissues in the maxillofacial region. Classification, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, , diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment
Soft tissue cyst types 1,
Nasolabial cysts and where they a...,
Clinical features of nasolabial c...
18  cards
25. Abscess and phlegmona of the infraorbital area and abscess of the canine fossa. Topographic and surgical anatomy
Anatomical location of the canine...,
Contents of the canine space 2,
Etiology of infections in the can...
6  cards
26. Phlegmon of the cheek. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis
Anatomical location and boundarie...,
Contents of the buccal space 2,
Teeth commonly involved in infect...
7  cards
27. Phlegmon of infratemporal and temporal areas. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis
Anatomical location and boundarie...,
Etiological factors leading to an...,
Clinical features of an infratemp...
9  cards
28. Phlegmon of the orbital area. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatmen
How orbital infection classified 1,
The major complications associate...,
Causes of orbital cellulitis 2
9  cards
29. Abscess of the sublingual area. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinics, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment
Sublingual abscesses and where ar...,
Sublingual abscesses borders 2,
Common etiological factors for su...
8  cards
30. Abscess and phlegmon of submandibular and submental lodges. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features,
Submandibular space contents 1,
Anatomical boundaries and content...,
Common causes of submandibular ab...
12  cards
31. Perimandibular abscess. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment
Topographic anatomy of a perimand...,
Common causes etiology of periman...,
Clinical stages of an odontogenic...
7  cards
32. Parotideomaseterial area: submaseterial abscess and phlegmon. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features
Common causes of submasseterial a...,
Anatomy of the parotideomasseteri...,
Clinical features of a submassete...
5  cards
33. Parotideomaseterial area: Abscess and phlegmon of retromandibular area. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features
0  cards
34. Abscess and phlegmon of pterygomandibular and parapharyngeal spaces. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features,
Boundaries of pterygomandibular s...,
Contents of the pterygomandibular...,
Common causes of infections in pt...
12  cards
35. Phlegmon of the floor of the mouth. Angina von Ludvic. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis
Ludwig s angina and its anatomica...,
Common etiological factors leadin...,
Clinical features of ludwig s ang...
6  cards
36. Abscess of hard palate. Abscess and phlegmon of the tongue. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis
Anatomical boundaries of hard pal...,
Common etiological factors for ha...,
Clinical features of a hard palat...
8  cards
37. Necrotizing fasciitis. Etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment. Complications.
Necrotizing fasciitis 1,
Causes of necrotizing fasciitis 2,
Clinical features of necrotizing ...
6  cards
38. Diseases Of The Lymph Nodes And Vessels
0  cards
39. Osteomyelitis Of The Jaw Bones. Classification
0  cards
40. Osteomyelitis Of The Jaw Bone:chronic Odontogenic Osteomyelitis
0  cards
41. Osteomyelitis: Traumatic And Atypical Forms
Osteomyelitis of the jaw bone 1,
Etiological factors of osteomyeli...,
Clinical features of infantile os...
12  cards
42. Sinusitis Of Odondogenic Origin
Sinusitis of odontogenic origin 1,
Etiological factors of sinusitis 2,
Clinical features of acute odonto...
15  cards
43. Specific Chronic Granulomatous Diseases
Clinical presentation of chronic ...,
Factors that contribute to develo...,
Primary causative organisms of ac...
13  cards
44.complications Of Odontogenic Inflammatory Diseases
Causes of sepsis in the context o...,
Complications that can arise from...,
How sepsis diagnosed in adults 3
10  cards
45. Conservative Therapy Of Inflammatory Diseases
General principles for treating i...,
Antibiotics main classification 2,
Types of antiobiotics according t...
20  cards
46. Surgical Treatment Of Periodontal Diseases
Key considerations in current per...,
Why gingivectomy often not favore...,
Gingivectomy and its primary purp...
16  cards
47. Acute Inflammation Of Salivary Glands
Primary characteristics of sialad...,
Factors contributing to sialadeni...,
Main differences between acute an...
14  cards
48. Chronic Inflammation Of Salivary Glands
Primary characteristics of sialad...,
Factors contributing to sialadeni...,
Main differences between acute an...
8  cards
49. Obstructive diseases of the salivary glands,
Obstructive diseases of the saliv...,
Etiology and pathogenesis of sali...,
Clinical features of obstructive ...
14  cards
Systemic Diseases that are causing disorders which involve the salivary glands
Benign lymphoepithelial lesions a...,
Sjogren s syndrome 2,
Blank 2
11  cards
51. Mikulich Syndrome. Sjorgen Syndrome
Primary sjogren s syndrome pss 1,
Distinguishes secondary sjogren s...,
Etiological factors of sjogren s ...
10  cards
52. TMJ diseases: Arthritis of the mandibular joint ±
Tmj diseases and types of arthrit...,
Main causes etiology of tmj arthr...,
Common clinical features clinics ...
8  cards
53. TMJ diseases: Osteoarthritis ± etiology, clinics, diagnosis, DDx, treatment, complications
Osteoarthritis of the tmj 1,
Tmj osteoarthritis classification 2,
Clinical features of tmj osteoart...
4  cards
54. Diseases of the TMJ: Dislocation & subluxation - classification, etiology, clinics, diagnosis, DDx, treatment
Condylar dislocation of the tmj 1,
How tmj dislocation classified 2,
Clinical features of tmj dislocat...
6  cards
55. Diseases of the TMJ: Ankylosis
Tmj ankylosis 1,
Tmj ankylosis classification 2,
Common causes of tmj ankylosis 3
6  cards
56. Diseases assoc. with masticatory muscles & other structures
Underlying mechanisms that cause ...,
Systemic conditions that produce ...,
Masticatory muscle disorders clas...
14  cards
57. Trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatmen
Trigeminal neuralgia tn 1,
Hypothesized etiological factors ...,
Typical clinical features of trig...
7  cards
58. Diseases of the facial nerve: paresis and paralysis
Difference between facial nerve p...,
Functional and aesthetic complica...,
Etiological factor classification...
14  cards
59. Pain. Somatic and neuropathic pain
Three categories included in the ...,
Temporomandibular disorders 2,
Neuropathic pain 3
13  cards
60. Injuries in the MFA ʹ General, Classification
Classifications of soft tissue wo...,
Open soft tissue wounds according...,
Closed wounds according to their ...
44  cards
Buccal Spaces
What are the boundaries of the bu...,
What anatomical structures are co...,
How does the buccal space communi...
10  cards

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Oral surgery

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