paper 1 biological psychology

This class was created by Brainscape user Sophie Brook. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

The Brain
What is biological psychology,
What are some of the biological f...,
What are the different areas of t...
15  cards
Neurons And Synapses
What does the central nervous sys...,
Describe the process of neurone t...,
Describe the process of a synapti...
7  cards
Recreational Drugs And Synaptic Transmission
What is synaptic transmission,
What is dopamine responsible for,
Describe how cocaine affect synap...
14  cards
The Hormonal Explanation Of Aggression
Name the glands where hormones ar...,
What is the difference between ho...,
What is testosterone
9  cards
Classic Study: Raine
What was the aim of raines classi...,
What was the sample of raines cla...,
What was the design of raines cla...
7  cards
The Evolutionary Explanation Of Aggression
What is evolution,
What are the three primary reason...,
Why does infidelity and jealousy ...
8  cards
The Brain Functioning Explanation Of Aggression
Describe the influence that the p...,
What is the amygdala responsible for
6  cards
Individual Differences Explaining Aggression
What are the gender differences i...,
What are culture differences in a...
2  cards
The Genetic Explanation Of Aggression
What is a genotype,
What is a phenotype,
How may aggression stimulate from...
13  cards
Contemporary Study: Brendgen Et Al
What was the aim of brendgen et a...,
What was the sample of the contem...,
What was the procedure of the con...
13  cards
Leve’s Adoption Study
What was the aim of leve et al ad...,
What was the sample of the adopti...,
What was the procedure of the ado...
6  cards
Freud Psychodynamic Theory
What are the three levels of the ...,
What is the conscious,
What is the pre conscious
17  cards
Psychodynamic Explanation Of Aggression
Describe the psychodynamic explan...,
Evaluate the psychodynamic explan...
2  cards
Research Methods
What are the different types of b...,
What is the difference between a ...,
How does an mri fmri work
3  cards

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paper 1 biological psychology

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