paper 3 essay plans

This class was created by Brainscape user Justina Michaels. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (41)

Diplomacy: To what extent was the Treaty of Versailles a fair and reasonable peace?
Intro thesis,
Unfair unreasonable examples
8  cards
Diplomacy: Discuss the reasons why the Treaty of Versailles was unsatisfactory
German perspective examples
11  cards
Info on Treaty of St. Germain
What country did it affect,
Give an overview of what hungary ...
7  cards
Diplomacy: The League of Nations was inherently weak and therefore could not maintain peace’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Was wak because of membership exa...
14  cards
Diplomacy: Evaluate the successes and failures of the League of Nations up to 1929.
Diplomatic humanitarian successes...
9  cards
Diplomacy: Examine the reasons for the failure of collective security to keep the peace in the 1920s and 30s
Weaknesses of the league examples
16  cards
Reasons for appeasement
Weaknesses of collective security
9  cards
Diplomacy: To what extent was appeasement justified / to what extent were Britain and France to blame for WW2?
Gave hitler confidence examples
14  cards
Diplomacy: To what extent was German foreign policy successful in the 1930s?
Intro thesis,
Successful in gaining territory e...
7  cards
Diplomacy: To what extent was Italian foreign policy successful in the interwar years?
Intro thesis,
Successes in 1930s examples
9  cards
Diplomacy: TWE was Italian foreign policy aggressive in the interwar years?
Intro thesis,
Aggressive in 1920s examples
8  cards
Impact of the Second World war on civilian populations in two countries between 1939-45
Intro thesis,
Impact on role of women examples
7  cards
Diplomacy: Evaluate the reasons for the defeat of the Axis powers in Europe in the Second World War
Intro thesis,
Economic material weaknesses of a...
10  cards
Central & Eastern: Reasons for Soviet domination in Eastern Europe
13  cards
Central & Eastern: Discuss the reasons for the establishment of COMECON and the Warsaw Pact
Intro thesis,
Economic aims examples
8  cards
Central & Eastern: Evaluate the impact of COMECON and the Warsaw Pact on states dominated by the Soviet Union.
Intro thesis,
Economic impacts examples
12  cards
Central & Eastern: Evaluate the impact of Stalin’s economic and political policies in the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1953.
Intro thesis,
10  cards
Central & Eastern: Evaluate the causes of challenges to Soviet control in 1945-68
Intro thesis,
Poor living conditions examples
16  cards
Central & Eastern: Protests against Soviet domination were unsuccessful- EG & Poland
Intro thesis,
Poland unsuccessful in short term...
11  cards
Central & Eastern: Compare and contrast the impact of opposition to Soviet control in two countries between 1968 and 1989 (Czechoslovakia and Hungary)
Intro thesis,
Ussr relations examples
8  cards
Central & Eastern: Evaluate the factors leading to the collapse of Soviet control in Central and Eastern Europe
Intro thesis,
Long term economic factors dissat...
8  cards
European states (Russia): Discuss the impact of the First World War on one European country (other than Germany, Italy, or Spain) in the inter-war years.
13  cards
European states (Russia): Evaluate social developments in one European country (other than Germany, Italy, or Spain) in the 1920s.
Introduction thesis,
Paragraphs in each claim say how ...,
Religion examples
18  cards
European states (Russia): Evaluate social developments in Russia in the 1930s.
Intro thesis,
Arts examples
8  cards
European states (Russia): Examine political and economic developments in one European country (other than Germany, Italy, or Spain) in the 1920s.
Introduction context need to add ...,
Increasingly authoritarian nature...
17  cards
European states (Russia): Examine political and economic developments in one European country, (other than Germany, Italy, or Spain) in the 1930s.
Intro thesis,
Great turn examples
11  cards
European states (Russia): With reference to one European country, (other than Italy, Germany, or Spain) examine the success of economic policies in the 1930s.
Intro thesis,
Downsides of collectivization exa...
15  cards
European states (Italy): Discuss the reasons for Mussolini’s rise to power.
Intro thesis,
Problems during liberal italy exa...
8  cards
European states (Italy): Evaluate the successes and failures of Mussolini’s domestic policies between 1922 and 1939.
Intro thesis,
Economic policies unsuccessful
10  cards
European states (Italy): To what extent do you agree that the main way that Mussolini consolidated his control was by intimidating his opponents?
Intro thesis,
Intimidating opponents examples
10  cards
European states (Italy): To what extent had Mussolini established a totalitarian state before the outbreak of WW2?
Intro thesis,
Popularity examples
9  cards
European states (Germany): To what extent was the Treaty of Versailles responsible for the difficulties faced by the Weimar Republic between 1919 and 1923?
Intro thesis,
Tov examples
8  cards
European states (Germany): To what extent did Germany experience a ‘Golden Era’ during the Stresemann years (1924-29)?
Intro thesis,
Economically not ga examples
10  cards
European states (Germany): Examine the reasons for the collapse of the Weimar Republic
Intro thesis,
Political instability in wr actio...
9  cards
European states (Germany): To what extent was popular support the main reason for Hitler becoming Chancellor in January 1939?
Intro thesis,
Popular support ideology examples
9  cards
European states (Germany): Evaluate domestic resistance to the Nazis
Thesis intro,
Student youth examples
7  cards
European states (Spain): Discuss the role of political and economic conditions in causing tension and division in Spain up to 1923.
Intro thesis,
Weak central government and an ar...
12  cards
European states (Spain): Evaluate the successes and failures of Primo de Rivera’s government between 1923 and 1930.
Intro thesis,
Rivera did not successfully addre...
12  cards
European states (Spain): Causes of SCW/reasons for political polarization between 1931 and 36
Long term causes pre dating the c...,
Long term causes pre dating the c...
5  cards
European states (Spain): “Franco won the Spanish Civil War because of Republican disunity” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Intro thesis,
9  cards
European states (Spain): Examine the significance of foreign intervention in the course and outcome of the SCW
Intro thesis,
Military support for nationalists...
8  cards

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