This class was created by Brainscape user Hernani Almeida. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

ChemPath: Acid-Base Handling
What is the normal range for h co...,
What equation links h concentrati...,
What are the three main physiolog...
18  cards
ChemPath: Assessment of Renal Function 1
3 main functions of the kidneys,
Most effective method at assessin...,
What is normal gfr
29  cards
ChemPath: Assessment of Renal Function 2
Distinguish between aki and ckd,
Define aki,
What are the three stages of aki
46  cards
ChemPath: Sodium and Fluid Balance
What level of serum na delineates...,
What is hyponatraemia caused by,
Which hormone controls water balance
36  cards
ChemPath: Potassium
What is the normal range for seru...,
Where is potassium more abundant,
What are the two main hormones in...
19  cards
ChemPath: Hyperuricaemia and Gout
What are purines,
What are the 3 important biologic...,
What is the prevalence of gout
38  cards
ChemPath: Brief Lipid Update
What is the optimal medical thera...,
What is the statistical mortality...,
List some options for people with...
23  cards
Micro: Antimicrobials
Examples of selective targets for...,
How does the cell wall of gram po...,
What is the broad mechanism of ac...
89  cards
Micro: Respiratory Tract Infections
List some ways in which the body ...,
Differentiate between urti and lrti,
Define pneumonia and ways it can ...
23  cards
Micro: GI Infections
Epidemiology of gi infections,
Reportable gi infections,
3 types of clinical syndromes ass...
44  cards
Micro: Wound, Bone and Joint Infections
Aetiology of surgical site infection,
What threshold of contamination o...,
Name three major pathogens that c...
25  cards
Haem: Paediatric haematology
Which feature of children predisp...,
How is the immune response to inf...,
What are the main differences bet...
63  cards
Haem: Myelodysplastic syndromes and Aplastic anaemia
Define myelodysplastic syndrome,
What are the key characteristics ...,
Which types of patients tend to d...
37  cards
Haem: Leukaemia
Define acute leukaemia,
Pathoneumonic sign of acute leuka...,
2 types of acute leukaemia
32  cards
Haem: Lymphoma
Define lymphoma,
Outline the aetiology for lymphomas,
Outline the processes by which im...
49  cards
Haem: Lymphoma 2, CLL and Lymphoproliferative disorder
How does a lymphoma present clini...,
What obstructive symptoms can ari...,
What are the important investigat...
44  cards
Haem: Multiple Myeloma + Amyloidosis
Define myelodysplastic syndrome,
Outline the key pathophysiologica...,
Outline the aetiology of multiple...
24  cards
Haem: CML and myeloproliferative disorders
What is polycythaemia,
What are the two main types of po...,
What are the two types of true po...
40  cards
Histo: Liver
Describe the blood supply to the ...,
List the main cell types of the l...,
How is the arrangement of endothe...
49  cards
Histo: Diseases of the Pancreas and Gallbladder
What are the main components of t...,
Define acute pancreatitis,
List some causes of acute pancrea...
33  cards
Histo: Cerebrovascular disease and Trauma
What are the 5 mechanisms of dama...,
What are the two types of cerebra...,
Which water transporting molecule...
35  cards
Histo: Vascular and Cardiac Pathology
What is atherosclerosis,
List some risk factors for athero...,
Outline the pathogenesis of ather...
37  cards
Histo: Upper GI Disease
What is a key histological featur...,
What is the z line,
What does the body and fundus of ...
44  cards
Histo: Lower GI Disease
List some congenital disorders of...,
What is hirschsprung disease,
List some genetic associations of...
44  cards
Immuno: Autoinflammatory and Autoimmune diseases 1
What is the difference between au...,
Which cells are mainly responsibl...,
List examples of monogenic autoin...
33  cards
Histo: Renal Pathology
Outline which kidney pathology af...,
Define nephrotic syndrome,
Primary causes of nephrotic syndrome
32  cards

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path final

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