This class was created by Brainscape user leah molloy. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Sports Med: How are sports injuries classified and measured?
Whats an indirect injury,
Whats a direct injury,
Whats a soft tissue injury
15  cards
Sports Med: How does sports medicine address the demands of specific athletes?
What is hypoglycaemia and hypergl...,
What is type two diabetes and how...,
What is type one diabetes and wha...
41  cards
Sports Med: Actions to Prevent Injury
When undertaking physical prepara...,
What does pre screening asses,
Why is pre screening an important...
57  cards
Sports Med: Injury Rehabilitation
What are the rehabilitation proce...,
What is rehabilitation,
What are the aims of rehab
36  cards
FAP: How does training affect performance?
Factors Affecting Performance
111  cards
FAP: How can Psychology Affect Performance?
0  cards
FAP: How Can Nutrition and Recovery Strategies Affect Performance?
0  cards
FAP: How Does the Acquisition of Skill Affect Performance?
0  cards
Improving Performance: How do athletes train for improved performance?
What does flexibility training ai...,
What happens to the muscle fibres...,
Why is stretching and improved fl...
28  cards
Improving Performance: What are the planning considerations for improving performance?
What do initial planning consider...,
Define performance and fitness needs,
Are performance and fitness needs...
64  cards
Improving Performance: What ethical issues are related to improving performance?
0  cards
Health Priorities: How are priority issues for australias health identified?
What health problems does austral...,
What is epidemiology,
What can epidemiology be used for
67  cards
HPIA: What are the Priority Issues for Improving Australia's Health?
What is the difference in life ex...,
How long do aboriginal men live,
How long do aboriginal women live
132  cards

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