This class was created by Brainscape user Oscar Mollet. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (44)

Respiratory system
Tidal volume,
Minute ventilation,
Mechanics of inspiration at rest
8  cards
Respiratory regulation
Respiratory control centre,
Inspiratory control centre,
Expiratory control centre
9  cards
Gas exchange
Sites for gaseous exchange,
Partial pressure,
Why does diffusion take place ext...
6  cards
Transport of respiratory gases and the Bohr shift
Transport of gases in the blood,
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation
6  cards
The cardiovascular system
Structure of the heart,
Chambers in the heart,
Valves of the heart
9  cards
Conduction system of the heart
What difference does cardiac musc...,
1 sino atrial node sa
8  cards
The control of heart rate
Medulla oblongata,
Sympathetic nervous system,
9  cards
The Cardiac cycle
Phase 1,
Phase 2,
Phase 3
6  cards
Vasomotor control and Vascular shunt
At rest where is blood going,
During exercise,
How does this happen
8  cards
Venous return and Starlings law
Starlings law,
Venous return,
5 ways venous return can occur
8  cards
Diet and nutrition - Healthy diet
Simple carbohydrates
13  cards
Energy intake and expenditure
Energy expenditure
12  cards
How to optimise nutrition for events
Optimising hydration,
Carbohydrate loading
2  cards
Ergogenic aids
Ergogenic aids,
Pharmacological aids
6  cards
Physiological aids
Blood doping,
Benefits and drawbacks of blood d...,
Intermittent hypoxic training
5  cards
Nutritional aids
4  cards
Environmental effects on the body - Altitude
Gaseous exchange,
Effects of altitude on the respir...
6  cards
Environmental effects on the body - Heat
Cardiovascular drift,
7  cards
ATP - energy for exercise
Adenosine diphosphate adp
5  cards
ATP - PC system
What is it used for,
Creatine kinase,
Pc phosphocreatine
4  cards
Glycolytic system
Type of reaction,
Fuel used
12  cards
Aerobic system
Stage 1 glycolysis,
Acetyl coa,
Stage 2 krebs cycle
11  cards
Recovery Process
Oxygen defecit,
Oxygen debt
6  cards
Lactate Accumilation
4 factors that affect the rate of...,
Muscle fibre work rest ratios
4  cards
Acute hard injurys - Fracture
Acute injury,
Chronic injury,
Acute hard tissue injuries
12  cards
Acute hard injuries - Dislocation
4  cards
Acute - soft tissues
7  cards
Chronic Hard tissue injuries
Stress fracture,
Chronic soft tissue,
Shin splints
4  cards
Injury prevention
Intrinsic individual variables,
Assessed individual varibales
8  cards
Injury prevention and rehabilitation
Responding to injuries and medica...,
Acute management
4  cards
Rehabilitation of Injury
3 stages of rehabilitation,
Treatment of common sporting inju...
8  cards
Newtons laws
Newtons 1st law,
Exam question explain how newtons...
7  cards
Biomechanical principles
Net force,
Internal force,
External force
8  cards
Biomechanical principles 2
Centre of mass,
Factors affecting stability
4  cards
Technology in biomechanics
Force plates,
Limb kinematics,
Wind tunnels
3  cards
Linear motion
Linear motion,
Scalar quantity,
Vector quantities
8  cards
Angular motion
Angular motion,
Principle axis of rotation,
Eccentric force
12  cards
Angular motion part 2
3 descriptors important to angula...,
Angular velocity,
Example of angular velocity
10  cards
Projectile motion
Projectile motion,
Horizontal displacement,
3 factors affecting horizontal di...
9  cards
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid mechanics,
Air resistance,
11  cards
Bernoullis principle
Bernoullis principle,
Life force,
Aerofoil shape
8  cards
Spin and Magnus force
Magnus effect,
Topspin example,
15  cards
Impact of lifestyle diseases on training - Cardiovascular system
Sedentary lifestyle,
Coronary heart disease chd
14  cards
Impact of lifestyle diseases - Respiratory system
Respiratory disease,
Symptoms of asthma
12  cards

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pe paper 1

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