This class was created by Brainscape user Madelaine King. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

PED1003/L01 Intro to Drug Action
Define pharmacology,
Where do drugs typically come from,
Where is aspirin derived from
34  cards
PED1003/L02 Agonists
Define an agonist,
Describe the action of an agonist...,
Describe the action of salbutamol
27  cards
PED1003/L03 Antagonists
Define an agonist,
Describe the action of propanolol,
Give the 3 classes of antagonist
25  cards
PED1003/L04 Drug Absorption and Distribution
Give 2 ways that drugs move aroun...,
Give 3 ways in which a drug can c...,
Give 2 types of carrier protein t...
30  cards
PED1003/L05 Drug Elimination I
Give the 3 factors that affect a ...,
Describe the blood brain barrier,
What 3 factors does the amount of...
23  cards
PED1003/L06 Drug Elimination II
Give the 3 major systems of elimi...,
Which group of enzymes is a key p...,
Which kind of drug are phase i re...
32  cards
PED1003/L07 Pharmacokinetics in Practice
Why are kinetic parameters calcul...,
Describe the one compartment model,
How many half lives are passed to...
10  cards
PED1003/L08 Toxins, Poisoning & Overdose
Define toxicology,
Define biochemical toxicology,
Give 3 types of xenobiotics
42  cards
PED1003/L09 Variation to Drugs & Reactions
What is an adverse drug reaction,
What must be taken into account r...,
Name 4 features suggesting a caus...
25  cards
PED1003/L10 Signalling in SNS
Why are ions unevenly distributed...,
Describe transfer of ions during ...,
Describe movement of cl across a ...
18  cards
PED1003/L11 Drugs acting on PNS
What does the autonomic nervous s...,
Describe the neurotransmitters in...,
Describe the neurotransmitters in...
31  cards
PED1003/L12 Drugs acting on SNS
Where does noradrenaline act as a...,
Describe the synthesis of noradre...,
Describe the termination of norad...
31  cards
PED1003/L13 Drugs in Asthma
What centre regulates spontaneous...,
What 3 factors modulate the respi...,
Describe parasympathetic innervat...
28  cards
PED1003/L14 Local Anaesthetics
What are anaesthetics,
What is the difference between lo...,
What is the mechanism of action i...
26  cards
PED1003/L15 Anti-Parkinson's Drugs
What is the difference between pa...,
Give 3 symptoms of parkinson s di...,
Describe the postmortem neuropath...
26  cards
PED1003/L16 Antidepressants
Give 3 symptoms of depression,
What is the pathology of depression,
What does the pharmacology of eff...
37  cards
PED1003/L17 Drugs of Abuse
Give 3 examples of commonly abuse...,
Why do people continue to abuse d...,
Describe the reward pathway 5
43  cards
PED1003/L18 Drug Development
2  cards
PED1003/L19 Endocrine System
Define a hormone,
What is regulated by the pineal g...,
What are steroid hormones synthes...
23  cards
PED1003/L20 Female Sex Hormones
Describe how nuclear hormone rece...,
What is the follicualar phase,
What is the luteal phase
25  cards
PED1003/L21 Anti-Inflammatories
Define acute inflammation,
Give 3 features of acute inflamma...,
What is the aim of immediate infl...
31  cards
PED1003/L22 Antihistamines
What does the term autocoid mean,
Give 3 reasons why histamine is r...,
Describe how acute inflammatory r...
29  cards
PED1003/L23 Selective Toxicity & Antibiotics
How do bacteriostatic drugs affec...,
Why has the number of new antibio...,
How do bacteriolytic drugs affect...
43  cards
PED1003/L24 Antiprotozoals
What organism is malaria caused by,
When can a drug equally toxic to ...,
How can distributional selectivit...
30  cards
PED1003/L25 Anticancer Therapy
Describe knudsons two hit hypothe...,
Give 3 hallmarks of cancer,
Give 3 treatment options for cancer
17  cards
PED1003/L26 Cancer Therapeutics
Describe the two methods of atp s...,
What is the warburg effect,
Why do cancer cells switch to fav...
27  cards
PED1003/L27 Future Pharmacology
How does a cox2 knockout mouse pr...,
How does spinal muscular atrophy ...,
How does zolgensma work
4  cards

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