This class was created by Brainscape user Roberta Horrocks. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Anatomy and physiology Airway
know key differences
6  cards
Definitions in pediatrics
what the term means, age range they cover
6  cards
Anatomy and physiology cardiovascular
Pediatrics have a higher this lea...,
What are infants unable to increase,
Children generally have health he...
8  cards
Anatomy and physiology additional differences
What about the glycogen stores,
What are children and infants mor...,
What about there immune system
4  cards
Respiratory conditions CROUP
What is croup,
Is croup a viral or bacterial inf...,
What viral infection causes croup
40  cards
Respiratory conditions BRONCHIOLITIS
What is bronchiolitis,
What causes bronchiolitis,
Is this the most common respirato...
12  cards
Respiratory conditions TONSILLITIS
What is tonsillitis,
What is tonsillitis caused by,
Signs and symptoms of acute tonsi...
8  cards
Respiratory conditions OTITIS MEDIA
What is otitis media,
What causes otitis media,
What are eustachian tubes
11  cards
Respiratory conditions EPIGLOTTITIS
What is epiglottitis,
What are the nearby structures th...,
Signs and symptoms
10  cards
What is the respiratory tract mucosa,
What is the mucosal lining compos...,
How does mucus help
8  cards
Stages of,
Stages of inflammatory response i...,
Stages of inflammatory response i...
7  cards
Do upper respiratory tract infect...,
Advice for parents of children wi...,
What about axbs
27  cards
Upper respiratory conditions CHOKING
What is choking,
If a foreign body becomes lodged ...
9  cards
Respiratory conditions WHOOPING COUGH).
What is whooping cough,
What is whooping cough caused by,
How is whooping cough spread
31  cards
What is cystic fibrosis,
What does autosomal recessive inh...,
What gene is associated with cyst...
29  cards
What are the anatomical considera...,
Anatomical considerations airway ...,
What are the physiological consid...
8  cards
paediatric ALS
What is the usual primary cause f...,
Why are children more likely to h...,
Is it a cardiac arrest when there...
18  cards
bacterial meningitis
1  cards
What is meningitis,
Signs and symptons,
Treatment for meningitis
3  cards
Newborn ALS
0  cards
Infant ALS
0  cards
child ALS
0  cards
thermal injuries
0  cards
0  cards
febrile convulsion
0  cards
0  cards

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