This class was created by Brainscape user Jullianna Paggabao. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (47)

Wk 9: Urea + electrolytes (Sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, urea + creatine)
What are the causes of hypernatra...,
What are the signs symptoms of hy...,
What drugs are associated w incre...
10  cards
Wk 9: Urea + electrolytes (Potassium)
What are the causes of hyperkalaemia,
What are the risks that can produ...,
What are the signs of hyperkalemia
15  cards
Wk 9: Urea + electrolytes (Calcium, magnesium, FBC)
What range of calcium levels is c...,
How is raised calcium levels managed,
Low levels of magnesium are assoc...
11  cards
Wk 9: POM (Emergency supply, PGDs, POMs in hospitals)
What does emergency supply mean,
What are the types of emergency s...,
What are the conditions that appl...
19  cards
Wk 9: POM (Non-medical prescribing + labelling)
What are the 2 types of non medic...,
Define independent prescribers,
Define supplementary prescriber
13  cards
Wk 9: POM (Requisitions + dispensing errors)
Selling of a medicinal product is...,
What guidance does the mhra give ...,
Which professionals may a retail ...
12  cards
Wk 10: POM
What are the exceptions to when a...,
What is the difference between a ...,
What are some examples of product...
33  cards
Wk 10: Biochemistry: Liver (tests)
Name the different types of liver...,
What is chronic liver disease cha...,
What are the initial symptoms in ...
25  cards
Wk 10: Biochemistry: Liver (complications)
What is the treatment of portal h...,
What is the treatment of ascites,
What is the
10  cards
Wk 10: Biochemistry: Renal (AKI)
Define acute kidney injury,
What is stage 1 aki,
What is stage 3 aki
10  cards
Wk 10: Biochemistry: Renal (CKD)
What are the symptoms of kidney d...,
Give examples of preventions of k...,
What are the complications in ckd
6  cards
Wk 10: Biochemistry: Renal (medication)
What happens to the number of hyp...,
When taking ace arb when should y...,
What is the most common cause of ...
16  cards
Wk 11: OTC GI (abdominal pain, oral thrush, mouth ulcers, dyspepsia)
What are the red flags of gut rel...,
When do you refer for abdominal pain,
Which medications cause gi symptoms
29  cards
Wk 11: OTC GI (IBS, Constipation, haemorrhoids, N+V, diarrhoea)
What are the symptoms of ibs,
When should ibs treatment be offered,
What is given for constipation in...
31  cards
Wk 11: IBD
What is crohn s disease,
What is ulcerative colitis,
What are the signs and symptoms o...
22  cards
Wk 11: IBD (Crohn's treatment + management)
What is first line for inducing r...,
What is given to induce remission...,
What are the early side effects o...
25  cards
Wk 11: IBD (Crohn's treatment - Biologics)
What is tnf a,
What is used as the last option w...,
What are the biologics used in ibd
22  cards
Wk 11: IBD (UC treatment + management)
What is used for inducing remissi...,
What is given when inducing remis...,
What is
20  cards
Wk 12: Acute coronary syndrome
What is acute coronary syndromes,
What is the presentation of unsta...,
What are the non modifiable risk ...
30  cards
Wk 12: Atrial fibrillation
Define atrial fibrillation,
What is the ventricular rate of u...,
Define paroxysmal af
34  cards
Wk 12: Anticoagulation
What are the risk factors for ble...,
Give examples of differences betw...,
What reverses the effect of warfarin
24  cards
Wk 12: Dyspepsia
What happens in the initial inves...,
When would you refer for endoscopy,
Which medications may cause dyspe...
36  cards
Wk 13: Heart failure
What are the signs of left hf,
What are the signs of right hf,
What is class i of hf
13  cards
Wk 13: Heart failure (management)
What is the inpatient management ...,
Which drug is first given for a p...,
What are diuretics used for
21  cards
Wk 13: P + GSL medication
Which products are not gsl,
Where can gsl meds be sold,
What are the exceptions to a sale...
18  cards
Wk 13: Hypertension
How is a patient treated if they ...,
Should a bp be taken manually or ...,
How do you measure blood pressure...
26  cards
Wk 13: Lipids
What are cholesterols,
What is triglyceride,
What are high density lipoproteins
22  cards
Wk 14: Respiratory OTC 1 (cold + flu)
What is the cause of colds when i...,
What are the symptoms of colds,
What is the cause of flus
25  cards
Wk 14: Respiratory OTC 2
What are the causes of a cough,
What are the types of coughs,
What would you use for a dry cough
21  cards
Wk 14: Asthma
Outline the pathophysiology of,
How is asthma diagnosed in suspec...,
What are the results of an obstru...
32  cards
Wk 14: COPD
What are the signs symptoms of copd,
What are the complications of copd,
When would you consider a diagnos...
27  cards
Wk 15: Minor eye conditions (Red flags, serious red eye, conjunctivitis)
What is subconjunctival haemorrhage,
What are the red flag symptoms,
What are the types of serious cau...
27  cards
Wk 15: Minor eye conditions (eyelid disorders, eyelid hygiene, dry eye syndrome)
Give examples of eyelid disorders,
What is blepharitis,
What are the classifications of b...
24  cards
Wk 15: Ear disorders
What do you examine for in the ou...,
What do you examine for in the pinna,
What doing you examine for in the...
39  cards
Wk 15: Responsible pharmacist regulation
What is the responsible pharmacis...,
What is a responsible pharmacist,
What does being the responsible p...
19  cards
Wk 16: Repeat dispensing
What are the 2 different types of...,
Can repeat prescriptions be amend...,
Which patients are suitable for r...
17  cards
Wk 16: Glaucoma
What is glaucoma,
What are the characteristics of g...,
What is ocular hypertension
29  cards
Wk 16: Diabetes
What are the macrovascular compli...,
What are the microvascular compli...,
What are the foot complications a...
17  cards
Wk 16: Diabetes management
What do you take when you experie...,
When would you switch to glp 1 mi...,
Give an example of su
21  cards
Wk 16: Diabetes complications
What are the sick day rules,
What would you give a type 2 diab...,
What would you give a type 1 diab...
19  cards
Wk 17: Prescribing + deprescribing
What is the csm warning for quino...,
What is the 7 steps medication re...,
Which drugs must you discuss with...
4  cards
Wk 17: Paediatric vaccinations
How would you give eye drops to c...,
What vaccinations do you get at 8...,
What vaccinations do you get at 1...
18  cards
Wk 17: Paediatrics OTC
What is the usual temperature tak...,
What are the presentations of pyr...,
What questions do you ask if a ch...
25  cards
Wk 17: Paediatric infectious diseases
What causes impetigo,
What is the presentation of impetigo,
What is the otc treatment for imp...
24  cards
Wk 18: CD
What schedule are cannabis based ...,
Who can prescribed cannabis for m...,
What is sativex
32  cards
Wk 18: CD (Destruction)
How do you destroy out of date stock,
What are the requirements for des...,
What are the requirements for des...
10  cards
Wk 18: CD (Miscellaneous)
Which drugs can be sold under a pgd,
Who can t supply any cd on a pgd,
Which drugs in high limits can be...
8  cards

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