This class was created by Brainscape user Meg Cunningham. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What is pharmacology
Regular Study
15  cards
Drug Absorption
Describe drug absorption,
Factors affecting oral absorption...,
Clinical application of drug abso...
22  cards
Drug Distribution
Describe drug distribution,
Name the major body compartments,
Explain factors that influence dr...
18  cards
Drug Metabolism
Describe drug metabolism,
Describe first pass metabolism,
Describe the main sites involved ...
18  cards
Drug excretion
Drug excretion,
Drug elimination,
Factors that affect drug excretion
23  cards
Quantitative pharmacokinetics
Regular Study
15  cards
Intro to drug action
Describe a receptor,
Describe the relationship between...,
Describe the relationship between...
9  cards
Receptors and other drug targets
Receptor superfamilies,
Ion channel receptors,
Ion channel receptor location
31  cards
Desensitisation and Ion channels
Describe desensitisation,
11  cards
G protein coupled receptors
G protein coupled receptors,
G protein coupled receptor as a d...,
Describe the structure of g prote...
15  cards
Kinase-linked receptors
Describe phosphorylation,
Impact of phosphorylation on targ...,
Name the three aminoacids involve...
12  cards
Nuclear receptors
Describe four classes of nuclear ...,
Describe four classes of nuclear ...,
Describe four classes of nuclear ...
21  cards
Adverse drug reactions
Describe adverse drug reaction,
Therapeutic window parameters,
Describe the relevance of drug pl...
21  cards
Intro to toxicology
Describe toxicity,
History of poisons,
22  cards
Prenatal toxicology
Describe teratogenicity,
Describe human teratogen,
Describe the types the types of h...
7  cards

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