This class was created by Brainscape user Anna-Leigh Bibby. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Pharmacokinetics - Kahoot Quiz
The bioavailability of a drug is ...,
Which route is most suitable to d...,
For a child exhibiting epileptic ...
14  cards
Antibitotics - Cell wall
Which antibiotics work on the cel...,
How do penicillins work,
Some germs such as escherichia co...
13  cards
Antibitotics - DNA Synthesis Inhibators
How do sulphonamides work,
What are the two dna synthesis in...,
How does trimepthorpin work
9  cards
Antibitotics - Protein Synthesis
What do antibitotics that target ...,
What are the 5 protein synthesis ...,
How do tetracyclines work name a ...
7  cards
Antibitotic Kahoot Quiz
Unnecessary or inappropriate anti...,
Which of the following is not a w...,
To which antibiotic is this organ...
17  cards
Asthma and PNS - Kahoot Quiz
From which type of neuron is acet...,
Which of the following drugs is a...,
Which of the following cardiac co...
16  cards
antihypertensive kahoot quiz
Propanolol is an antagonist at wh...,
Which drug is the first choice wh...,
Which ion channel or transport pr...
6  cards
Which drug mechanism would be mos...,
Which antibiotic combination woul...,
Which drug would be most helpful ...
19  cards
Drugs and Heart Failure - KAHOOT
Increased permeability to which i...,
Which of the following drugs woul...,
The use dependency of anti arrhyt...
16  cards
What are the 4 classes of antieme...,
What antisickness is best for mot...,
What antiemetics work on the chem...
6  cards
Drugs and GI tract 2 Chronic Bowel Disease (IBD) - Kahoot Quiz
Which drug mechanism would be mos...,
Why can t loperamide used to trea...,
Which of the following drugs is c...
12  cards
Diuretics and Incontinence - Kahoot Quiz
Which of the following diuretics ...,
Which of the following diuretics ...,
Which ion transporter is the targ...
10  cards
Fluids - Kahoot Quiz
How many grams is 1 within 100ml,
A 10 solution is how many grams w...,
What is the definition of percent...
21  cards
MCQ Self-Test Drugs and Diabetes
What is the cellular mechanism by...,
Which of the following conditions...,
Which antihypertensive drug gives...
16  cards
Endocrine - Kahoot Quiz
Which of the following is an ante...,
Which of the following is a poste...,
Which drug would be most effectiv...
13  cards
Nuerogenetive disease - DO THIS
0  cards
NSAIDS - Kahoot Quiz - finish
Which of the following agents is ...,
Which of the following properties...,
Which of the following properties...
4  cards
Cytotoxic Chemotherapy
Why is combination therapy useful...,
What does major dose limiting adv...,
What type of cancer is an example...
8  cards
What is the first line medication...,
When would iv phenytoin be used,
What is gaba
13  cards

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