This class was created by Brainscape user McKenna s. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

CYP Inducers, Substrates and Inhibitors
Chronic alcohol abuse,
29  cards
Basic Principals Definitions
Off label use,
Phase 1 of clinical trials,
Phase 2 of clinical trials
11  cards
Anti-Infective agents
85  cards
Respiratory 1
What beta receptors are most comm...,
What receptors do the respiratory...,
3 reasons for decreased airway co...
74  cards
MOA of Asthma Meds
B2 agonists,
Omalizumab monoclonal antibody,
Mast cell stabilizers
7  cards
Respiratory 2
Names of muscarinic antagonists,
Decreased airway conduction is ca...,
Muscarinic antagonists mechanism
61  cards
Beta blocksers,
What does beta stimulation do to ...,
Why do athletes take beta blockers
116  cards
Drugs used in Cardiac Arrhythmias
What causes arrhythmias,
What is the goal of therapy of ar...,
What are the major pharmacologic ...
151  cards
Pharmacotherapy of Heart Failure Notes
What are the two types of heart f...,
2 characteristics of systolic hea...,
2 characteristics of diastolic he...
95  cards
Drugs to treat heart failure
Diuretics, ACE inhibitors, B-agonists, B blockers
31  cards
Vasodilator for Angina Pectoris Notes
What is the primary cause of angi...,
What is effort angina,
What is the result of an imbalanc...
16  cards
Vasodilators for Angina Pectoris DRUGS
What are the 3 drugs that reduce ...,
What is the moa for nitric oxide,
What 2 drug classes decrease intr...
70  cards
antihypertensive agents 1
4 categories of antihypertensive ...,
What do direct vasodilators do in...,
What do sympathoplegic agents do ...
35  cards
Pharm Cardio Redemption
What can amiodarone do to ekg seg...,
What vitamin is used as a cholest...,
A patient has an extreme cardiova...
34  cards
GI pharmacology
What is the differential of postp...,
What are the key substances invol...,
What conditions are treated with ...
33  cards
Renal/GU pharm overview
What is the ending for alpha 1 ad...,
What is the main moa of a1 adrene...,
What is the main effect in the bo...
96  cards
Alpha Adrenergic Agents
What do sympatholytic drugs inhibit,
What do sympathomimetic drugs do,
What are the 2 mechanisms of symp...
15  cards
Renal/GU dosages
12  cards
0  cards

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