This class was created by Brainscape user Natalie ling. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (63)

Which of penicillin v and penicil...,
What pregnancy category are penic...,
Penicillin g and penicillin v are...
50  cards
Colchicine can be stored in a wel...,
Colchicine binds to dimers of tub...,
Colchicine with its pmn suppressi...
8  cards
Antiandrogens & Androgen Inhibitors
T f free testosterone and dihydro...,
What is anti androgen,
What is an androgen inhibitor
28  cards
Q1 regarding cetirizine a it sign...,
First generation antihistamines c...,
First generation antihistamines d...
20  cards
Q6 features of the dapsone hypers...,
T f dapsone is lipid soluble and ...,
T f dapsone is well absorbed from...
17  cards
T f peak serum levels of ivig occ...,
T f ivig distributes itself throu...,
T f ivig contains supra physiolog...
14  cards
Miscellaneous Systemic Drugs
T f co administration of antichol...,
T f the pharmacological effects o...,
T f anticholinergic agents may co...
45  cards
Systemic Anticancer Agents
Papulopustular rash most common d...,
The presence and severity of papu...,
Xerosis from egfr typically occur...
15  cards
Topical Antibacterial Agents
Bacitracin moa,
T f bacitracin has good gram nega...,
T f bacitracin is minimally effec...
42  cards
Topical Antibacterials For Acne And Rosacea
True false benzoyl peroxide is ba...,
True false clindamycin is synthet...,
T f clindamycin binds reversibly ...
24  cards
Topical Antifungal Agents
Candida efficacy based on mic,
Most of azoles have demonstrated ...,
In vitro anti dermatophyte potency
30  cards
Topical Antivirals
Pencyclovir exhibits more efficie...,
Cidofovir depends on viral tk for...,
Cidofovir requires two stages of ...
18  cards
Topical Retinoids
Tazarotene is a prodrug that is r...,
Excessive quantities of vitamin a...,
Adapalene is more stable chemical...
18  cards
Topical Antiparasitic Agents
How is permethrin metabolized and...,
Permethrin moa,
Permethrin 3 cream is the treatme...
5  cards
Systemic Antiviral Agents
Activation of acv requires phosph...,
Acyclovir is a guanosine analog w...,
Acyclovir inhibits viral dna poly...
9  cards
Chemical sunscreens are aromatic ...,
Sunscreens adverse reactions are ...,
Uvb constant throughout year
5  cards
Quinadine has an extra benzene ri...,
Antimalarials are all water soluble,
Half life of hcq and cq is 40 50 ...
10  cards
20. Systemic Retinoids
Alitretinoin is 9 cis retinoids acid,
The primary form of dietary vitam...,
Retinal ester is found in plants
35  cards
Interferon y has 29 structural ho...,
Interferons do not cross placenta...,
Ifna may interact with il 2 to in...
15  cards
Therapeutic Shampoos
Ketoconazole shampoo is safe and ...,
Ketoconazole has no systemic effe...,
Only small amounts of ketoconazol...
6  cards
Cosmetic Therapy
Hydroquinone decreases melanocyte...,
Hydroquinone is often combined wi...,
Dihydroxyacetate is a skin pigmen...
9  cards
Local Anesthetics
Cocaine procaine tetracaine benzo...,
Lidocaine mepivacaine bupivacaine...,
More lipophilic anaesthetics have...
6  cards
Oral Mucosal Therapies
Erosive gingivostimatitis can be ...
1  cards
Agents Used For Hyperkeratosis
Salicylates may cause hypoglycemi...,
Salicylic acid is lipid soluble,
Salicylic acid has a pka of 6
8  cards
Ala requires occlusion,
Ala is more hydrophilic than mal,
Application of ala does not requi...
17  cards
TNF inhibitors
Infliximab inhibits membrane and ...,
Infliximab is of fully human origin,
Adalimumab is an anti tnfa igg
18  cards
IL12/23 inhibitors
Etanercept is a dimeric fully hum...,
Secukinumab selectively neutraliz...
7  cards
Rituximab is directed against the...,
Rituximab causes b cells to deple...,
Half life of rituximab is depende...
14  cards
Cytotoxic Agents
0  cards
Haem Toxicity
Leukopenia has been seen with all...,
Colchicine haem toxicity is prece...,
In haem toxicity marrow recovery ...
5  cards
Mmf side effects include urinary ...,
Mpa is the prodrug of mmf,
Mmf inhibits de novo pyrimidine s...
9  cards
Csa associated with high potassiu...,
Can use nifedipine and israedipin...,
Csa should be discontinued if ser...
5  cards
Drugs for skinternist
Bisphosphonates must be taken fol...,
Bisphosphonate oral abs occurs ra...,
Active metabolite of fenofibrate ...
20  cards
31. Psychotropic Agents
One unique effect of alprazolam i...,
Buspirone can be used on a prn basis,
Doxepin has strong antipruritic e...
35  cards
Mmf is teratogenic,
Mmf can cause nephrotoxicity,
Mmf inhibits purine synthesis
3  cards
Topical And I/L antiviral drugs
5 fu is incorporated into dna,
5 fu is a purine analog,
5 fu blocks thymidylate reductase
12  cards
Topical CS
Tcs increase mitotic activity in ...,
Tcs promote atrophy of the dermis...,
Levels of opioid peptides enkepha...
7  cards
Topical And I/L Chemo Agents
Vincristine is a vinca alkaloid,
Nitrogen mustards highly react wi...,
Nitrogen mustards alkylate dna
14  cards
Topical Contact Allergens
Squaric acid dibutyl ester is pos...,
Dinitrochlorobenzene has minimal ...,
Dinitrochlorobenzene is mutagenic...
6  cards
Topicsl Calcineurin Inh
Tacrolimus binds to calcineurin,
Tacrolimus prevents transcription...,
Tacro is effective in aa ffa and ...
8  cards
Systemic Corticosteroids
Systemic corticosteroids increase...,
Systemic corticosteroids inhibit ...,
Systemic corticosteroids promote ...
27  cards
Top vit D3
Vit d modulates epidermal differe...,
Vitamin d inhibits proliferation ...
2  cards
General pharm
What is detoxification,
What is biotransformation
2  cards
Miscellaneous Topical Agents
Minoxidil increases the duration ...,
Minoxidil is an adenosine triphos...,
Minoxidil inhibits pg s in inflam...
6  cards
Insect Repellants
Deet is hydrophilic
1  cards
Food slows absorption of psoralens,
Food slows absorption of psoralens,
Psoralens are slowly excreted
24  cards
Ecp has the ability to influence ...,
Ecp adverse effects,
Indications for ecp
4  cards
Antiparasitic Agents
Lindane levels are lower in peopl...,
Permethrin moa,
Malathion moa
5  cards
Muscle weakness is seen at 2 4day...,
Peripheral nerves sprout new smal...,
Nerve repair is complete after 3 ...
11  cards
Mtx affects proliferation of lymp...,
Anti inflammatory effects in mtx ...,
Risk factors for hepatotoxicity i...
9  cards
Vasoactive Agentr
Ccbs are most effective and safe ...,
Isradipine is agent of choice for...,
Diltiazem is renally excreted
7  cards
Cutaneous Drug Reactions
0  cards
What percentage of caucasians are...,
Erythromycin estolate is associat...,
Cyp p450 enzymes produce only a s...
4  cards
Haem toxicity
Aplastic anaemia pancytopenia cau...,
Thrombocytopenia recovery usually...,
Haem malignancies are more common...
9  cards
Thrombocytopenia and macrocyclic ...,
Homozygous tpmt mode of inheritance
2  cards
When does tetracycline pose risk ...,
Sulfonamides not recommended in t...,
Nsaids may promote persistent pul...
4  cards
Local Anaesthetics
Max dose of lignocaine that can b...,
Capsaicin acts on type c fibres
2  cards
Antimalarials absolute concentration,
Rifampin is contraindicated in pr...,
Puva absolute and relative ci
5  cards
Leuprolide is used as contracepti...,
Leuprolide inhibits gnrh secretio...
2  cards
Progestins, Drosperinone And Cyproterone Acetate
Drosperinone is a synthetic proge...,
Serum drosperinone levels are low...,
Cyproterone acetate is a potent a...
4  cards
Hormone Preps
Women taking exogenous estrogens ...,
Mestranol is one half to two thir...
2  cards
Both enhanced and diminished humo...,
Thalidomide enhances angiogenesis,
Thalidomide reduces pml chemotaxi...
3  cards
Side effects on accidental ingest...,
Chronic use of 2 ketoconazole sha...
2  cards

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