This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Bellantoni. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Intro to Pharmacology
What is pharmacology,
What is a drug,
What was the first textbook of ph...
112  cards
How Drugs Act
What are the protein targets for ...,
What are the 4 superfamilies of r...,
Describe ligand gated ion channels
101  cards
What does adme stand for,
What does adme describe,
What is absorption
122  cards
What are the main causes of the m...,
What are the types of variability...,
Describe idiosyncratic variability
65  cards
Autonomic System and Cholinergic Transmission
Describe the autonomic nervous sy...,
Describe the sympathetic nervous ...,
Describe parasympathetic nervous ...
82  cards
Adrenergic Lecture
What does the sympathetic nervous...,
What is the nt for the sns,
What is the mechanism of adrenerg...
93  cards
The Heart
What is the order of the conducti...,
100  cards
Drug Variability and Harmful effects
What is variation,
Variation can result from,
Variation is a different response...
84  cards
The Vascular System
What is renin released by,
Angiotensinogen is released by,
Angiotensinogen is converted to a...
77  cards
Atherosclerosis and Lipoprotein Metabolism
What is atherosclerosis,
In greek athere means,
In greek skleros means
65  cards
Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Define hemostasis,
Hemostasis is caused by,
Define thrombosis
81  cards
Botanicals and Dietary Supplements in Dentistry
What are the motivations for diet...,
Why ask about cam and ds use,
How do you communicate about supp...
30  cards

More about
pharmacology i

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