This class was created by Brainscape user Karen Nguyen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

The Scientific Approach to Research and Practice
Biomedical research,
What are the types of biomedical ...,
Basic research
25  cards
The Measurement
Descriptive statistics is what,
Inferential statistics is what,
What is the population
63  cards
The Descriptive Analysis
What are frequency tables used for,
What are the components that must...,
What are box and whisker plots us...
57  cards
The Statistical Distributions
What is the distribution in stati...,
What are the 2 main types of dist...,
Empirical distribution
19  cards
The Statistical Inference and Hypothesis Testing
What is statistical inference,
What are the two complementary ap...,
What are the characteristics of h...
53  cards
The Statistical Estimation
What is a point estimate,
What does a point estimate provide,
What are examples of point estimate
34  cards
Bivariate Analysis: Paired T-Test
What is a bivariate analysis,
What are the dependent groups in ...,
What are the independent groups i...
18  cards
Bivariate Analysis: Independent T-Test and ANOVA
What is an independent t test,
What is a two group comparison re...,
What does the independent variabl...
46  cards
Bivariate Analysis: Chi-Square, Fisher, and McNemar Tests
What is a chi square test,
What is a fisher s exact test,
What is a mcnemar test
14  cards
Non-Parametric Group Comparisons
What are parametric statistics,
What are the advantages of parame...,
What are the disadvantages of par...
45  cards
Bivariate Analysis: Correlation/Association
What is correlation,
What is the pearson correlation c...,
What is the parameter and range f...
28  cards
Types of Third Variables
Cofounding variable,
What must be considered for confo...
13  cards
Linear Regression
Linear regression,
Simple linear regression,
Multiple linear regression
46  cards
Binary Logistic Regression
Continuous variable for outcome u...,
Discrete or binary variable for o...,
What is the purpose of binary log...
18  cards
Survival Analyses
Survival analyses,
Survival data are inherently cens...,
When is survival analysis useful
34  cards
Sample Size Power Analysis
A too small sample size can lead ...,
Why is sample size calculation a ...,
Type 1 error
22  cards
Systematic Review and Meta Analysis
Systematic review,
When is a systemic review useful,
What are the 3 framework tools us...
19  cards

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pharmacy biostatistics

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