This class was created by Brainscape user Misha Gandhi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

respiration - lecture 1
What is primary function of respi...,
What is inspiration,
What is expiration
46  cards
respiration - lecture 2
What is spirometry,
What is total lung capacity,
What is vital capacity
57  cards
respiration - lecture 3
Describe pathway through heart,
Compare pulmonary vs systemic cir...,
Compare pulmonary vs systemic cir...
27  cards
respiration - lecture 4
Describe transport of o2,
Describe o2 physically dissolved ...,
If o2 were only found in plasma w...
46  cards
respiration - lecture 5
0  cards
respiration - lecture 6
0  cards
respiration - lecture 7
0  cards
cardiovascular - lecture 1
What is cvs function,
Describe the heart,
Describe the vasculature
27  cards
cardiovascular - lecture 2
What is comparative physiology,
Describe insect circulation gen,
What is hemolymph
38  cards
cardiovascular - lecture 3
How does flow move,
What is blood pressure,
What is pressure
46  cards
cardiovascular - lecture 4
What do right and left pulmonary ...,
What do,
Describe arteries and veins
41  cards
cardiovascular - lecture 5
T or f all deoxygenated blood pas...,
T or f the pulmonary artery trans...,
T or f the purkinje fibers can fi...
44  cards
cardiovascular - lecture 6
T or f the left bundle branch is ...,
T or f the left bundle branch blo...,
T or f a repolarization wave defl...
24  cards
cardiovascular - lecture 7
Describe refractories,
Once a sec lv beats and what happ...,
Once a sec lv beats and what happ...
33  cards
cardiovascular - lecture 8
0  cards
cardiovascular - lecture 9
0  cards
cardiovascular - lecture 10
0  cards
endocrinology - lecture 1
0  cards
endocrinology - lecture 2
0  cards
endocrinology - lecture 3
0  cards
endocrinology - lecture 4
0  cards
endocrinology - lecture 5
0  cards
digestion - lecture 1
What is the gastrointestinal tract,
What makes up digestive system,
What are accessory digestive organs
45  cards
digestion - lecture 2
What are target cells for excitat...,
Describe ans modulation of ens,
Describe activation of ans
43  cards
digestion - lecture 3
Describe upper git pressures,
Name and describe 3 esophageal fo...,
What is peristalsis
45  cards
digestion - lecture 4
Describe before meal arrives,
Describe when meal arrives,
Describe meal in stomach
48  cards
digestion - lecture 5
0  cards
digestion - lecture 6
0  cards
digestion - lecture 7
0  cards
digestion - lecture 8
0  cards
renal - lecture 1
0  cards
renal - lecture 2
0  cards
renal - lecture 3
0  cards
renal - lecture 4
0  cards
renal - lecture 5
0  cards
renal - lecture 6
0  cards

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phgy 210

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