This class was created by Brainscape user Unknown Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Afferent neurons carry nerve impu...,
Describe the structure of sensory...,
What are clusters of nerve cells ...
94  cards
MICRO - Week 1
Thiomargarita magnifica,
What defines prokaryotes,
What defines eukaryotes
78  cards
MICRO - Week 2
Define oligotrophic environment,
What are 2 consequences causes of...,
What activates a cells stringent ...
104  cards
MICR - Week 3
What species of bacteria is used ...,
Describe pathogenesis in terms of...,
A promotor region is part of
45  cards
ANAT 216 - Lecture 2
What are the 4 components of the ...,
What 3 organs are associated with...,
What are the 2 main functions of ...
49  cards
ANAT 216 - Lecture 3
What are the lymph organs,
3  cards
MICRO - Mid 1
How do allolactose and the repres...,
The antibiotic clindamycin binds ...,
Translation can be regulated thro...
23  cards
The thoracic duct collects lymph ...,
The thoracic duct drains into whi...,
3  cards
PSYC - Midterm 1
What does a clinical psychologist do,
Define psychological assessmen,
What 3 psychometric characteristi...
15  cards
Week 4
What does the most popular antibi...,
What does b lactam target,
Do call prokaryotes have an outer...
35  cards
PHGY 216 MOD 1
What are the 6 functions of the e...,
True or false all endocrine tissu...,
Define hormone
102  cards
PHGY 216 MOD 2
Successful sexual reproduction de...,
What are the 2 main reproductive ...,
What are the 6 essential function...
59  cards
PHGY 216 MOD 3
Describe the 4 steps involved in ...,
Describe the role of the respirat...,
Describe the purpose of the pleur...
50  cards

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phgy - midterm

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