phm703 heme/onc/crit care

This class was created by Brainscape user Robert Peterson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

What does the f stand for in fast...,
Explain the importance of feeding...,
List the considerations for feedi...
30  cards
Exam 1 - States of Shock
What is the classic definition fo...,
What is the formula for mean arte...,
List factors affecting map 2
35  cards
Exam 1 - Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Hyperosmolar/glycemic State, & Sepsis
List precipitating factors of dka...,
List signs symptoms of dka,
List signs symptoms of hhs
35  cards
Exam 1 - Seizures, Status Epilepticus, & Acute Ischemic Stroke
List provoked seizure etiologies ...,
List inhibitor neurotransmitters ...,
Define status epilepticus
39  cards
Exam 1 - Pain, Agitation, Delirium, Immobility, & Sedation
Explain analgesia as treatment in...,
Explain sedation as treatment in icu,
What is the goal cpot goal bps
40  cards
Exam 1 - Advanced Cardiac Life Support
List the four rhythms of cardiac ...,
What is the immediate goal of bls...,
Explain treatment involved in rev...
30  cards
Exam 2 - Oncologic Emergencies Part 1
List the metabolic oncologic emer...,
List the hematologic metabolic em...,
List the structural oncologic eme...
40  cards
Exam 2 - Oncologic Emergencies Part 2
What is treatment for intermediat...,
What is treatment for high risk t...,
What is the moa of allopurinol
40  cards
Exam 2 - Leukemia
List characteristics of acute leu...,
List characteristics of chronic l...,
Myeloid cancers usually involve 3...
47  cards
Exam 2 - Prostate Cancer
List risk factors for prostate ca...,
What is the median age at diagnos...,
What are harms from screening for...
50  cards
Exam 2 - Supportive Care in Oncology
List the classes of chemotherapy ...,
Describe the pathophysiology of cinv,
List patient risk factors for cinv
34  cards
Exam 3 - Lung Cancer 1
Compare small cell lung cancer sc...,
List the signs symptoms of lung c...,
List the risk factors for lung ca...
30  cards
Exam 3 - Lung Cancer 2
What are the first generation alk...,
What are the second generation al...,
What is the third generation alk ...
29  cards
Exam 3 - Multiple Myeloma
List risk factors for multiple my...,
Explain the progression order for mm,
Explain the acronym slmcrab
33  cards
Exam 3 - Lymphoma
List risk factors for lymphomas 8,
Describe the epidemiology of non ...,
List signs symptoms of diffuse la...
35  cards
Exam 3 - Anemia
List signs symptoms of anemias,
Explain hemoglobin hgb,
Explain hematocrit hct
33  cards
Exam 3 - Breast Cancer
List non modifiable risk factors ...,
List modifiable risk factors for ...,
Explain screening recommendations...
32  cards
Exam 3 - Colorectal Cancer
List risk factors for colorectal ...,
List socieconomic age risk factor...,
List signs symptoms of colorectal...
37  cards

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phm703 heme/onc/crit care

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